BOTR- Announcement

by Band on the Run 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • L3G

    Although I've belonged here for less than a year, I've been visiting the site for 4-5 years. One thing I've noticed is that often (not always) intellectual, bright members flourish here for a while and then they frequently drop out. Consider Narkissos, Leolaia, Slimboyfat, Drew Sagan. Gee, now where have I seen that before? Hmmm...

    Oh yeah, that was when I was in the WT organization. Any connection? Might it be that the inconsiderate ones who just speak their mind, often without insight or thinking out the repercussions of their actions, help drive out those who do have training and insight? (Even unwittingly)

    I will certainly miss BOTR and her frequent insights. BOTR, please accept my sincere thanks for your many valuable shares.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I'm not going to post any longer on any topic.


    You're alright in my book Band. You know you love it here.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I don't remember you being as upset all the time as you have been lately. If it's all caused by JWN, then heck yeah, take a break or leave for your own sake. If it bothered me so much to be reading and posting at JWN, but the rest of my life was good, I'd leave, too. Take care and enjoy the fruits of all of your hard work and study. Enjoy life. Don't let anything continue to bring you down. Wishing you lots of good fortune and happiness and success in your personal and private life.

  • GrreatTeacher

    I always laugh when people expect to be paid well for their study and hard work.

    I work in what I consider one of the most important of the helping professions, teaching. You know, help form future generations, make a difference in the lives of many children, teach profound lessons that will stick with students for life, etc.

    Turns out society doesn't think that's worth much at all, well monetarily anyhow. "Teachers should teach for nobler reasons than just money!" That's what the local taxpayers say, as well as, of course, the local budget committee.

    GreatTeacher, BSEd

    Summa cum laude

    Doesn't make $hit

  • FlyingHighNow

    A lot of us do think teachers should be paid well, especially the gifted ones.

  • 144001

    Great Teacher,

    Here's the secret: compensation is based on how bad your job sucks, which is why you are poorly paid. I would love to teach, but can't afford to do so as I would take a huge pay cut.

    Driving those trucks that pump the turds out of outhouses pays upwards of $90K/annum in California. No education is required, but you will smell poo all day long, which is why the job pays so good. Ditto for cops; they are paid well to clean turds off our streets.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Doofus said:

    Well I don't know if BOTR is actually a lawyer (by her vague legal arguments on her posts) but she definitely is a New Yorker....Such arrogance!



    What YOU said about NYer's was ruder than a gas station bathroom smells!

    --Rip Van Winkle , lifelong NYer

  • TD


    I hear your frustration. Much of what you've said is a huge pet peeve of mine too, but this is the internet after all.

    I avoid any and all discussion in my own area of expertise.

  • GrreatTeacher

    Thanks for the tip 144001. I'll be applying to Waste Management shortly.

    Seriously, some of our custodians make more than $70,000. Something to think about...

  • humbled

    Metatron makes a good point. A lack of civility.

    Edit:If JWN has lost people for that reason, is that not a concern?

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