2001? they gave 100 bucks to charity? Did you know the highest level of defense mechanism is humor, OR even higher level defense mechanism is altruism. - Author Unknown.
Did They Tell You?
by Atlantis 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
new hope and happiness
Auntdontcallmeshirley...we had a guy in our congregation with a prostae leg and i admired the fact he wouldnt use a disabled sticker to park. My dad ( love the man) had a disabled sticker which allowed him privaliged parking, i never new why...but gee did it use it.
Saw this more than once.............................
"always loved it when someone was on disability but Pioneering (in the old days, when it was 90 hours a month). It seemed to me if a person could get in and out of a car 50 times a day and walk door to door all month, they should be able to hold down a job with no problem"
and then to have the nerve to say to me (working everyday!)
"Hey, I've been pioneering for 25 years now ...
(nose in the air!) ...what have you done for jehover!"
Well for one thing paying taxes to keep YOU! Grrrr
Geesh, the more you dig, the more hypocrisy you will find with the WT or whatever other cover corporation they are using to benefit from. I'm not surprised if they did have their hand out to receive money from United Way or the Red Cross, but the R&F is made to feel guilty if we donate to United Way through work or use the pool at the YMCA after a long day at work. "For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven..."
Sorry didn't include notes... 2nd column 3/4 the way down. Santa Barbara United Way List
^^You can still edit your original post, to add the relevant notes.
But but but......they took the money because they wanted a library card so they could use the library.
I guess the whore of babylon isn't so bad if she lets you use her planes ... these people just keep finding ways of being hypcrites .
By their fruits you will know them