Watch as JWs are 'educated' by their 'bible student' about evolution, abiogenesis, Watchtower quote mining, etc. LOL.
by Island Man 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
That guy is like, " Uhh yeah.. I'm the ladies man...uh..abiogenisis and what not...oh sh**t!!" LOL!! Does that guy know he is being filmed???? LOL!!!
I tried to explain the difference between the dictionary definition of evolution and abiogenisis to some JW family members. Needless to say, it was a waste of time.... I had no idea what those terms really meant, so I guess someone else could learn them as well. It was just funny seeing their faces as I explained how animals evolve.
Do you have the quotes that the RV is reading? It's a little hard to hear. It never ceases to amaze me when the WTBTS practices quote mining. That is the use of a "false stylus" in my book.
Island Man
part 2:
part 3:
part 4:
Here's the previous study where he starts by highlighting Watchower misquotes:
part 1:
part 2:
part 3:
part 4:
IslandMan .... thanks for posting your video's!
You scored points with him...whether he will
remember thru his WThaze ...time will tell!
Funny, a friend was at the mtg where they studied
about the flood etc...and he was all excited to show
me that the flood story was true and .....then repeated
word for word what that other person said about the
sea shells being found on the top of the mountain, so
therefore it is true!
ha hahah ...if there was a wwflood...the sea shells would
be washed into the lowest crevices, not up on
a mountain!!!!
The reason why there are sea shells in places on mountain tops
is from the upheaval of the earth....volcanos, earthquakes &
plate shift! As the earth is forced upwards it shoves shells & such
up with it!
How do you debate people who don`t know their own history?!..
"Piramidology?!..Beth Sirim?!..Rutherford had 2 Cadillacs?!..Duh!!"..
"I`ll get back to you,I`ll have to look that up..What else can I teach you?!"..
Island Man
"IslandMan .... thanks for posting your video's!
You scored points with him...whether he will
remember thru his WThaze ...time will tell!"
Umm... those aren't my videos. I found them on youtube and thought they were very interesting.
But I think you're right about the RV scoring points with the JW. You can see in the second set of videos that the JW is having a hard time denying that there is evidence for evolution. I'm sure seeds of TTAC (The Truth About Creationism) were planted in his heart.
Jon Preston
I believe these are videos by mike the atheist! I loved watching them because it really shkws ya how to just engage questioning and watch how the Dub will react ...
I watched his entire series last year with this guy and another elder off screen. Not sure which one it is but the elder on screen there in the picture says something to the effect " I used to hit all the pu$$y I could" paraphrasing but he talked about getting all he could when he was younger and he said this to a bible study, he did not use the V word either.
I can't watch creationist videos; they give me a headache.
Like, seriously.