this site is infested w/ raging athiests who need to have everyone agree with them. it gets old.
rent a billboard ladies. and scream it from the mountain tops. Nobody cares.
by WhoYourDaddy 18 Replies latest jw friends
this site is infested w/ raging athiests who need to have everyone agree with them. it gets old.
rent a billboard ladies. and scream it from the mountain tops. Nobody cares.
As long as you are truly happy Perry.. Then I am truly happy for you although I may disagree :)
Nobody cares - Who
That has not been my experience. I get messages from many who appreciate rational people calmly presenting evidence that refutes superstitons.
Perry boasted he was free. That is a fantasy. He went straight from one cult to another.
He preaches that we need to apologise for being born human. That we are broken and wicked and deserving of eternal punishment. That is a despicable, dehumaninsing dogma that needs to be opposed
W.y.d, I am sure athiests do care , especially concerning deluded individuals who who spout their supernatural NON.....SENSE on this and other forums.
As for ' raging' .I sense a tinge of rage in your reply.
"Nobody cares" which nobody's are you referring?
"Scream it from the mountain tops ".....No need its staring you in the face if you'd only care to look.
Best wishes to you.
Nobody cares.
about ambient abuse, but that doesn't stop obsessives wittering on about it.
Many JWs arent suckers... Some were born into it and could not avoid it. You can not treat and judge everyone with the same judgement. that is one or the flaws in the religious department. The rules can not be obeyed by everone and therefore many have no "fair" chance (survivalof the strongest but in 21stcentury :p).
Be less judgemental about any human... I do not agree with many viewsbut at least I have respect enough to let them enjoy the right of free will. I think that is the definition of true freedom: not only to decide for yourself but also to acknowledge the right of others.
Jws arent suckers in general... and if they are then please note that at least some of the times you were a sucker as well...
Seems fitting
I sense a lot of anger here. Someone did not have a good poop this morning.
Whispered among the writhing tentacles of the octopus, WE'RE all suckers.