So, I'm confused here. Which one of you are going to pioneer for 30 hrs in March?
Pioneering: How the GB shamelessly capitalizes on members' worldly desire for prominence.
by Island Man 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think it's a bit judgmental to tar all pioneers with the same brush as far as their motives for pioneering are concerned. we don't like the JWs making sweeping generalisations about our apostate motives do we? Coming from a family of regular pioneers (I was the only one who didn't) I rubbed shoulders with a lot of them in my old congregation. Yeah some are egitistical and may be doing it for praise but I would suggest far more are guilted into it. you know the situation - the talk says what prevents you from doing MORE? Why aren't you pioneering?! This is life saving work, what else can be more important?! I'm thankful that my mum, a regular pioneer for many years actually discouraged me from pioneering and suggested I get a"proper job" first so that I would be able to support a family.
there are lots of criticisms one can throw at pioneering and the pioneers themselves but to make sweeping generalisations is not the way to go.
Island Man:
Without making a sweeping generalization, I did see how certain pioneers loved the attention they got and how they loved to be in on the gossip and special gatherings. Well, I hope they had their reward in full.
However, I never really "got it" and wondered whose praise they were looking for and was it worth it to have no money? I know a few who never wanted to be part of the workforce. Were they imagining somebody was going to give them money so they can go ringing doorbells??? Well, I wasn't giving these fools anything.
I couldn't really pioneer anyway and worked full-time. The closest I ever got to pioneering was when I once did a few pioneer days with an older sister (very exhausting) and the one time I tried to put in aux-pio hours. I didn't make the hours but boy was I tired. To me it seemed like something to do in pleasant weather or when on vacation.
As far as anybody looking for praise: I have to say - from who? If anybody there wanted to imagine they were better than anybody else, let them. It's all in their minds, just like the rest of the delusion.
Now think about it: what's the difference between just giving your best in the ministry and winding up preaching for 72 hours at the end of the month; and signing up to be a pioneer and preaching for 70 hours in the first 3 weeks in the month and taking the last week off because you have "made your hours"?
I asked that of Witnesses back in 1998 or 1999 when the pioneer hours were reduced.
What is the purpose of pioneering? People were glad and excited of the change. If someone had 70 hours prior to the change and then s/he had the same 70 after the change what is the difference? There is no pioneer discount. If someone had gone to pioneer school, one couldn't go again. It is just an accumulation of "full-time service." or meetings with the CO. and the Title.
People called me names and bad association and apostate. They said that they needed the hour requirement for motivation.
Just a bunch of bums who liked the title.
Many of the sisters I knew seemed to be pioneering out of a desire to feel some self-worth. I think at least some of them felt like they weren't good enough people unless they were pioneering, which they continued to do well into their 30s without getting married. They were like nuns, but nuns for a corporation.
Island Man
krejames, it's not my intention to suggest that all pioneers are seeking the title, prominence and perks that go along with pioneering. The point I'm making is that the system of pioneering as devised by the organization is geered toward capitalizing on such motives. The organization has clearly designed the pioneer system in such a way as to pander to the desire for prominence and elite status. I don't doubt that there are sincere pioneers. I jus doubt the the org. designed pioneering to attract humble people who are content to serve God to their best without receiving the adulation of others. The pioneer system, as designed by the org, is inherently unspiritual. That's all am saying.