So just start each day with a glass of wine and a tortilla....
With these two ingredients what does it take to turn and ordinary snack into communion.
by Bobcat 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
So just start each day with a glass of wine and a tortilla....
With these two ingredients what does it take to turn and ordinary snack into communion.
Has the WT ever published anything trying to resolve the disparity between the Synoptics and the Gospel of John as to the time of Crucifixion ?
Several hours different.
I know a number of Christian scholars have, and very complicated are the arguments !
Also, I think the synoptics do not actually state that the Last Supper took place the night before he died ?
When you look in to the whole thing, as usual, nothing is clear, so to be as dogmatic as the W.T is about it is sheer arrogance.
My own gut feeling is that Jesus instituted a little ritual meal that would remind his followers of his teaching, and he wanted them to enact this when they came together for a meal, as they did later in their Love (Agape) Feasts. These were not held once a year, but frequently, probably every Sunday perhaps. And it is these occasions Paul is referring to. I think too that the evidence is that the WT has got the timing of the Passover feast wrong. These are just my opinions.