Barb Anderson--Front Page of the Tenn. paper

by VeniceIT 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed
    Does Ms Anderson still want to be a JW? Why did she allow such a defiant picture to be taken of her? If she no longer wants to be a JW, she could always become a mystic and support the pope. Or she could go the way of other souls on this board.

    More of your "innocent" questions, Hilda? Does it matter whether or not the lady wishes to be a JW? What matters is that for 14 years she has sought justice within the religion she belonged to over her daughter being molested. What is the end result? The perpetrator says he is sorry and has full recognition and privileges. The victims, on the other hand, ae booted out and to be totally shunned by others, family included.

    Your motives and love of the Watchtower are abundantly clear, Hilda. The only thing missing is how they are compensating you for your harrassment of vicitms here.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • WildHorses

    Just a thought here. What if I posted this story and Bills on the windows of the store I work at? Many JW's go there.

    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • wasasister

    I have not read the board for a very long time, but my attention was drawn when the triple-disfellowship threat was brought to my attention. Two things jumped out at me, and I wonder if anyone else has noticed:

    1. Several apparently active JW's have begun posting to this board. That means they are reading. Who knows what their initial motivation is, but once here, can they really go back to JW land without at least some nagging doubts about the miscarriage of justice?

    2. Barbara Anderson's letter which appeared here some time ago was used against her at her JC hearing. By doing this, isn't the door opened for anyone's post on an "Ex-Jehovah's Witness run" web site to be used against them as a charge of apostacy??

    Let me take this opportunity to voice my support for all the families involved. There is no way an ojbective observer can see Jehovah's Spirit operating with this judicial action. Those JW's who have posted here trying to convince that Bowen etal are sinning because they did not let Jehovah handle the pedophile issue are obviously not familiar with Bible history. For every scriptural example of faithful waiting for Jehovah Himself to correct a problem in His visible organization, there is another where an individual acted against the organization.

    If Jehovah's Witnesses truly ARE the earthly manifestation of Jehovah's Organization, what would they have to fear from Bowen/Anderson/Pandelo??

    Wasasister/waiting for the Committee to call, now that she's posted again. You know where I live, guys.

  • DakotaRed

    Go for it, Lilacs. People need to know how the dubs are mistreating Bill, Barbara and the Pandelos.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • HildaBingen

    Dear Dakota:

    :More of your "innocent" questions, Hilda? Does it matter whether or not the lady wishes to be a JW?:

    Not to me, it doesn't. She is a free moral agent with her own mind and heart.

    :What matters is that for 14 years she has sought justice within the religion she belonged to over her daughter being molested. What is the end result? The perpetrator says he is sorry and has full recognition and privileges. The victims, on the other hand, ae booted out and to be totally shunned by others, family included.:

    I do not know all of the facts in this case and neither do you, D. I can say this, however, my dear. The children of Israel waited for over 100 years to be released from the ornerous grip of the mean ruler of Egypt and God finally heard their prayers. All it takes is a little patience and trust, my friend. One wise man said that it is better to be wronged than to do wrong.

    :Your motives and love of the Watchtower are abundantly clear, Hilda. The only thing missing is how they are compensating you for your harrassment of vicitms here.:

    What harrassment, D? I thought this was a free speech zone. Are you saying that only those who agree with the JW dissidents should speak out in this place?

  • Joyzabel

    Thanks V for posting that article.


  • worldly girl
    worldly girl

    Hello to all!! Haven't posted in awhile, as I'm very busy these days. But with being awakened this morning to the FRONT PAGE of the Tennessean....I had to post. Just to let you guys know, I've contacted the Staff Writers at the Tennessean, to give them a little insight, and to back up the allegations of Ms Anderson.... Hopefully she will see this post, and I'd like to take the opportunity to say to her and all the other now "former" JW's....Thank you for your courage, and thanks for being true to yourself and your code of morality which is obviously a lot higher than the "borg". Because of your courage, all those who have been silenced for soooo long, may now have the courage to break the silence, and come forward. Remember, now, you can really begin to live and enjoy life, in a world free of judgemental, extremeist JW's. Let's hat goes off to you!!

    Worldly Girl

  • Elsewhere
    The consequences of excommunication are severe for a reason, Brown (WTS Representative) said. It is hoped that the harsh isolation that disfellowshipped members feel will draw them back to the organization.

    Aaaaa yes, can't you just Feeeeeeel the love? BEAT THEM INTO SUBMITION!!!! [8>]

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Will Power
    Will Power
    The children of Israel waited for over 100 years to be released from the ornerous grip of the mean ruler of Egypt and God finally heard their prayers.

    Maybe it took that long for their god to find those that would take the lead, with enough character and sense of justice that could lead in a way that would be acceptable, like we are seeing today.

  • patio34

    Hi Hilda,

    You said

    I do not know all of the facts in this case and neither do you, D. I can say this, however, my dear. The children of Israel waited for over 100 years to be released from the ornerous grip of the mean ruler of Egypt and God finally heard their prayers. All it takes is a little patience and trust, my friend. One wise man said that it is better to be wronged than to do wrong
    Many people feel this is precisely the role of religion: "Everyone just sit quiet and be treated unjustly. The elite will take care of it in God's due time. You just go ahead and do our work for us and keep your little mouths shut. Don't think too much and don't disagree with us. We are God's representatives and you don't want to burn in hell/die at Armageddon, etc." This has kept people in submission for millenia and kept the kings, nobles, and priests in power.

    But now we live in democracies and religion's chokehold on humans is not as powerful. If the WT insists on its totalitarian rule, it will go the way of the dinosaur. Already, the growth in industrialized nations has stopped. The only place they can convince people to follow them is developing nations who may be still used to people ordering them around. But that will change too.

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