Whitewashed sinners all of them-elders.

by DannyBear 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear

    Jw elder’s are in for a rough ride, if the Pandelo case is any indication.

    It’s about time. It’s way overdue.

    I can distinctly remember the jabbing sting of guilt, like little brain-farts,
    That would erupt, every time I sat on a jc. Just the outright overt invasion of
    Privacy, made me squirmy (?), not to mention the haunting look of sheer defeat
    On the faces of those fellow humans we so callously passed judgement on.

    I squirmed, but had plenty of short but effective well rehearsed (indoctrinated)
    Mind numbing; cop outs, for doing my job. “Keeping Jah’s org clean, shepherding
    The sheep, showing love for the brother’s, sacred service, divine direction-APPOINTMENT! Blah Blah Blah.

    In those days little if any repercussions would come to visit an individual elder or group of elder’s. We were flying real low under the radar screen of anonymity.

    We were whitewashed in the robes of eldership. Most of the elder’s knew each other’s particular vices, some including myself a fondness for beautiful women and a strong slug or two of good scotch whiskey. Several other members of the body of elder’s shared my tastes, so we often commiserated.

    Then we without a hesitation would turn around and sit in judgement of other’s, for acting out our own desires. Well we did tell them we were ‘fighting the flesh’ we were ‘cutting off our members’ yeah, we were sinner’s to! Then in union summarily lop their heads off.

    Whitewashed in the robe of Watchtowerism a guy can get away with a lot. Even more so
    If you have a listening ear from the bigger whitewashed guys the CO and DO. Those guys can salve the conscience for almost anything. Especially if you had just taken them on vacation, or handed them a particularly stuffed envelope.

    Turning the heat up on the individual elder’s will send them into hiding. I know it would have worked on me. They know where their own whitewashing, and fellow elder skeletons are lurking.


  • dungbeetle

    ((((DannyBear ))))

    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Great thread!!!

    I too was an elder and have felt sorrow for what I have done to other on JC while under WT mind control.
    I have contacted as many as I could to tell them I was sorry for the problems I have caused them as an elder and asked their forgiveness.

    You are 100% right and thank you for your honesty.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • DannyBear

    Hello DW,

    Very big of you to offer personal appology to those affected!

    Don't know that I could pull it off now 20 some years later, but I must admit, the idea of doing so would be very theraputic for me. Those whose lives that were ruined so long ago, may not take to kindly to me digging up old wounds. think?

    Interested in knowing what some of the responses were, when you made the peace offering.

    Thanks for your comment.


  • DannyBear

    Hello DungB,

    Have been following your comments....you are a fighter...love your attitude.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Those that are not JWs I was able to talk with and they were soo forgiving towards me, we cried together(one family).

    Others I don't know how to get in touch with but will some day I'm sure.
    Danny do it if you can it's the right thing to do and you will feel so much better for it, it's not easy but well worth the effort for you and them especially if they have left the Borg.

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • cornish

    So true.
    I know of cases of several elders who sit on harsh judgement on others with those being interrogated suffering emotional hell when the JC members have their own vice and past seedy exploits ,and get it brushed under the carpet.

  • SYN

    It is so horrible to see the damage this CULT has wrought upon the "Friends". Makes me want to puke my lungs out, actually. D. Wiltshire, you are a shining beacon of hope in this darkness we face! Thanks for your post too, DannyBear. Wow, this board is having some wonderful posts lately...

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

  • DannyBear


    The term 'sweeping under the carpet' could well have been coined in 'hallow' halls of Bethel.

    Lately some of the big deals like the UN 'fornication', policies of handling pedophiles, have been exposed for all to see. Thanks to the efforts of many on this board.

    The old days of hiding behind closed doors, not to mention the skirts of whoever the hell is the 'spirit anointed, chosen ones' of the day, is soon to pass away. Thanks to the Pantelos and Anderson's of the modern day JW. Nathan and Freddie are doing flip flops in their graves(?).


  • DannyBear


    'Cult' is to kind a word for jwdom. I tend to think of them as zombies, who cannot resist the urge, need, compulsion, to gorge themselves on dead and decaying beliefs and rituals.

    Every facit of jw life has some hidden meaning or particular signifigance. You know your a zombie, when the writing down and reporting of hours and minuets spent, walking from house to house on selected days of the week, knocking on doors where you know no one is home, yourself having paid for all the literature (that you can't seem to give away), then proudly stuffing the report into the sweaty hands of some other smarmy zombie with a title....YOUR A ZOMBIE.


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