For Silentlambs

by Bendrr 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    Cassiline, thanks for the history lesson but as a Southerner I find a special meaning in merging the Rebel Flag with the Lamb logo.
    I sincerely hope that no one here takes offense at the artwork (elementary as it may be). It in no way was intended to have any racist meaning.
    I've worked for pretty near a week on the two images you see and tonight I finished the second image, with the blue bars wrapped around the lamb.
    I decided on the controversial [to some] Rebel Flag because what Bill is doing is exactly that, a very controversial rebellion.
    With my best wishes and prayers for Bill and all, here is the other lambs logo I have worked on:!+Photo+Album/Silent+Lambs+Battle+Flag.jpg?bcUee38ALDuCAeRQ



  • Cassiline

    Dear Mike,

    I assumed you were from the South because of the flag by your name. I have lived in the South most of my life and call it home.

    Please In no way was I trying to upset you OR take away from the hard work that you have done. The history lesson as you call it, was for those who may be unaware of the origins of the flag and assume it stands for hate and bigotry. I just tried to make a point about the flag for those lurkers and others with negative comments all the time to be aware of its origins.

    Again as In the post before I thank you.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Bendrr

    Hi Cass. No, you didn't upset me. As a matter of fact, I didn't really consider the implications of using the rebel flag until you posted so thanks.
    By the way, I'm in Macon, GA where are you?



  • Cassiline

    Hey Mike,

    I now live in Fort Polk Louisiana. I was born in Pennsylvania, then in my early teens moved to Dallas Texas spent five years there and relocated to Virginia. I lived a considerable amount of time in Virginia (16 years) and now call it home.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Naeblis

    The swastika wasn't a racist symbol at first either. But that is waht it is now, much like the rebel flag. My opinion.

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