Hot Anti-Aging News!

by metatron 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Again, get a subscription to Life Extension Magazine!

    First, some important quotes:

    "Human immortality is achievable" - Dr. Ronald Katz,M.D.
    President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

    "The question no longer is 'Will it happen?' But
    rather 'When?' - New York Times on consensus of anti-aging
    researchers on lifespan of 200 or more years

    Second, a researcher at Sierra Sciences named Dr. William
    Andrews believes he is very close to introducing a pill
    which taken once a year will replace the telomeres
    lost to aging. (telomeres fix maximum cell division
    and probably lifespan thereby). THIS COULD BE HUGE!
    - pg. 20 June 2002 Life Extension magazine

    Thirdly, "The National Academy of Sciences has published
    three new reports showing that aging may be partially
    reversible with currently available supplements." pg13
    (acetyl-carnitine and lipoic acid) This includes
    reversing memory loss, restoring energy levels,
    and ambulatory ability.

    In the next ten years, aging might be cured!

    Gee, and all this is happening just as the Watchtower
    is getting into deep trouble and losing money!

    ain't it great?


  • ashitaka

    Good point, the hell would they explain that one light?

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Science, did you see Joan rivers on larry king! She must know those guys! Smile is still a little tight tho.

    Maybe this is the WTs plan!

    Use last year's 941 million non-profit to purchase the secret formula then sell it to all deserving high producing publishers, at cost of course and let them live forever on a paradise like tropical, air-conditioned island, pina co-la-da-plenty. They will rename it from Harm a gedon (whats a gedon?) to the New Earth and be no part of this world.

  • plmkrzy

    OH Goody by the year 3,000 we will have 50,000,000,000,000 people serving life sentances and the rest of us will be paying for thier up keep.

    Love is one of life's mysteries, like lightning, it never strikes. For others, like lightning, it strikes several times. So wear a rubber crash helmet
  • one


    during the mean time eat/drink colostrum and read about HGH, noni, ginko biloha, ginseng etc

  • Undecided

    They had better hurry or it will be too late for me.

    Ken P.

  • dmouse

    Thanks for keeping us informed of this, metatron.
    This really is exciting news! I just hope it comes off in my lifetime.

    One down-side though. IF scientists find a cure for aging the Society might jump back to the 'this generation' teaching saying that God knew that men would cure aging and death in this time of the end, and the generation that saw 1914 will now live a lot longer, thanks, ye of little faith. Scientist's ability to stopper death is the 'disgusting thing' spoken of in prophecy(the ability to bestow immortality is in God's purview, not man's). So, Armageddon must be close!

  • Celia

    I can't make out what your profile picture represents...
    Help !

  • plmkrzy

    I can't make out what your profile picture represents...
    Help !

    LOL There is a wolf or the background is a wolf. A sheep in wolves clothing. kinda silly but I like wolves. I wish the wolf came out better.

  • funkyderek
    In the next ten years, aging might be cured!

    Yes it is. In ten years it may not be, but clearly right now it's still a pipe dream.
    Bear in mind that a magazine called Life Extension Magazine is likely to put an optimistic spin on things.

    But if you pray all your sins are hooked upon the sky
    Pray and the heathen lie will disappear
    Prayers they hide the saddest view
    (Believing the strangest things, loving the alien)
    -- David Bowie, Loving The Alien

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