Again, get a subscription to Life Extension Magazine!
First, some important quotes:
"Human immortality is achievable" - Dr. Ronald Katz,M.D.
President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
"The question no longer is 'Will it happen?' But
rather 'When?' - New York Times on consensus of anti-aging
researchers on lifespan of 200 or more years
Second, a researcher at Sierra Sciences named Dr. William
Andrews believes he is very close to introducing a pill
which taken once a year will replace the telomeres
lost to aging. (telomeres fix maximum cell division
and probably lifespan thereby). THIS COULD BE HUGE!
- pg. 20 June 2002 Life Extension magazine
Thirdly, "The National Academy of Sciences has published
three new reports showing that aging may be partially
reversible with currently available supplements." pg13
(acetyl-carnitine and lipoic acid) This includes
reversing memory loss, restoring energy levels,
and ambulatory ability.
In the next ten years, aging might be cured!
Gee, and all this is happening just as the Watchtower
is getting into deep trouble and losing money!
ain't it great?