Happy Mothers Day to all Mommys!!!!!!

by Cassiline 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cassiline

    Partners MOM,

    Sounds as if your in the military, I know what a pain it can be moving all the time. We are stationed in Fort Polk for the time being.
    Hope all goes well with your son, and your in a better climate, although I can't say that Germany has the best weather for children with breathing disorders. Have you considered EFMP? I know that with some cases as severe as your son's sound they will relocate you to climates more appropriate.

    Wishing you well, with your move.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • partners

    Hey Cassiline! Hey girrll!!

    Yes, we are military. We are at Fort Hood, Tx. EFMP (Exceptional Family Member Program) is already taken care of. At one time we thought we would not be able to go because of Michael's asthma, but the paperwork went through. We are going to Illesheim, Germany. Wuerzburg is where the meddac is which is about 30 minutes away. There is a clinic on Illesheim and there is a german hospital about 2 miles away from the base.

    Guess what? I graduated from DeRidder High School in 1978. I knew people in the Rosepine congregation back then. In fact, I still know of a few who still attend...mostly the parents of the kids I knew.

    Well I guess I will close for now. To tell you the truth I haven't even started packing things away. There is so much going on. This is a unit move. When we went to Japan it was an individual PCS (Permanent Change of Station).

    Lata gatas

    P. S. My boys really believe I grew up along the bayou and that instead of having a dog for a pet I had an alligator. Oh yeah, we will try to make it over to DeRidder next month. Do you know anyone in DeRidder?


  • Cassiline

    Hey Partners!!!

    What a small world!!!!!! I wonder if we may know some of the same people! I can't believe you went to DeRidder High and know people in the Rosepine cong. I wonder if quite possibly we may know some of the same people due to school activities?

    My daughters attend, Leesville Junior, and High school. With sports events and the area I work in we probably do know some of the same people!

    LOL @ alligator for pet. I know a few people in DeRidder, most military. And some that ahev grown up here married to military men.

    Still can't get over it, what a small world, take care.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • partners

    Hi Cassiline, hi Heaven...

    Cassiline, the kids I knew "once upon a time" in DeRidder (over 20 years ago) have mostly passed or moved away. There are still a few I keep in touch with.

    Zachary and Ann Scott still attend at Rosepine Congregation. I know a Ruby Fisher, Lela Scott (Zach's mama). Gary brown I believe still attends. If not then he is somewhere in the surrouinding area. I think maybe he's an overseer now.

    How long have you been at Fort Polk? Did you or do you attend meetings at the Rosepine congregation? I can remember many years ago Rosepine High School is where the "Memorial" was held.

    I know Mr. Charley Hitchens (DeRidder School Board) very well. In fact I just talked to Mrs. Hitchens about a week ago. They atten St. Joseph Catholic Church there in DeRidder. In fact, when we make our yearly visit to DeRidder that is where we attend services. The last time I attended the public talk (Sunday) and watchtower meeting at Rosepine congregation was just before we went to Japan...several years ago. I don't think I'll ever attend again not because of what is going on but because of what happened long before that. I'm not one of Jehovah's witnesses but I personally received a taste of their their shunning. My best friend, (at least I thought) was one of Jehovah's Witnesses (raised in the "truth"). I was in Japan when she passed away (7 years ago). I had known her since I was 10 years old. Oh well...

    Marvis Hitchens Collor works at Boise Cascade and so does Lonnie Robinson. There is Carlos Archield (public servant). Oh yeah!!! I found out that Jon Telifero is minister at The (I believe) Methodist Church in DeRidder. I grew up with that boy! His father was Army and his mother was my 7th grade teacher at DeRidder Junior High. They moved away (I was sad about that for awhile) but I see he is back and his ministry is doing quite well.

    Cassiline (you too heaven) go to "Desperately Seeking"/Reunions. Go to Louisiana (page 4). Scroll all the way down to the very last post (steeljazz). Click on the envelope...WOW!!! That's my name...Edie.

    Me gotta go...hahahaha

    Take care and have a good day.

  • partners

    Hi Heaven, hi Cassiline,

    Just a short message here to express that while I was having my personal Bible Study (I was a teenager at the time)with my Jehovah's Witness friend, I truly learned a lot. For the most part, the witnesses were nice to me. I learned a lot in the meetings and I enjoyed the atmosphere. of course, I was not a regular so I never got burned out. I just eventually walked away because I realized that some of the same stuff that was going on in the churches also went on at the Kingdom Hall...also being young and inexperienced, yes, I fell in love (smile).

    Living a "good" life is about making choices, and I feel the things I did learn help me to make a lot of good choices in my life. I am married coming up 13 years August 3, 2002. My husband and I knew and dated eacher 5 years prior to that. We never lived together before we married (good choice). We were and still are best friends.

    I also found out their (Jehovah's Witnesses) hatred for catholics (My best friends are catholics...the Hitchens in DeRidder) and that they (Jehovah's Witnesses)ONLY had the "truth". I was told after a time that they were my family now because my bioligical family will be destroyed at Armageddon. I was almost even persuaded to move away from my family and move in with this young JW couple. I was told, "We are your family now..."

    Gotta go. Take care.

  • partners

    Heaven or Cassiline...

    I received an e-mail telling me someone responded to the "mommys" post. I went there but did not find anything.

  • Solace

    You mentioned J.W.s dislike of Catholics.
    I agree. I also feel that the W.T.S. dislikes almost every religion except their own. Maybe they are the most threatened by the Catholic religion since they are so huge and have been around so much longer than most others.

    You said,
    "I was almost even persuaded to move away from my family and move in with this young JW couple. I was told, "We are your family now..."

    Reading this kind of stuff still always freaks me out.
    It is so true though. J.W.s do have the "we are your spiritual family" mentality. So eerie and cult like in my opinion. Its like the organizatoin is trying to distance members from their family, unless of course they are J.W.s.

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    oh noooooo!!! I missed it!

    Very happy Mothers Day to all the mothers and fathers on the forum... and to the ones who somehow adopt each other in moments of crisis.. love to all!


  • Cassiline


    Sorry it took so long to get back to you. The reply to topic you received was sent to you because you replied to Heaven or myself, hope that makes sense.

    I went to seeking reunions, but your e-mail us locked, so I can't click on the envelope . But I believe I have your sons e-mail addy when he wrote to me after mothers day, I will try you at that address. If that's not yours or his please feel free to e-mail me. My addy is open.

    Do you know the Zindells? She grew up here and graduated from DeRidder High around 79, I believe. Her hubby is military (both were never JW's) I don't know her maiden name. The other names you listed I am not familiar with because most are locals in DeRidder. I know a lot of people in Leesville.

    E-mail me if you like!


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Solace


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