Is there really a file on pedophiles in the WTS?

by Leander 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leander

    I got drafted to take out the field service group this weekend, as we were on our way out to the territory yesterday morning sonmeone brought up the Chicago Suntimes article on JWs. Almost immediately everyone in the group had negative comments about Bill or the newspaper. Whats interesting also is that whenever there is a person who speaks against the WTS their is always an assumption that the person is disfellowshipped and is angry because of it. This of course is'nt Bill's situation, he stepped away on his own accord.

    Anyway going back to yesterday's group attack, someone mentioned that the society more than likely does'nt have a list on pedophiles. This got me to wondering do they really have a list? If so are they required to have one by law and should that list be given to the local elders?

    Anyone have any insight on this?

  • blondie

    Leander, they keep a file on ALL disfellowshipped people and what they were disfellowshipped for. If an elder calls NY about a disfellowshipped person, the person they are talking to will instantly pull up a file on them (get the drift, at least part of the information is on computer). They know right away the name of the individual, the congregation they were disfellowshipped from, and the charge at the very least.

    Remember those forms elders send in to the headquarters, Leander? They input all that information into a database. It wouldn't be hard to sort the data by disfellowshipping charge. If there are almost 12,000 congregations in the US alone and only 1 person were disfellowshipped each year per congregation, they would have 12,000 people/files to keep track of yearly in the US alone. And even if only 10% of those were pedophiles, that is still 1,200 people every year in the US alone. And consider this, the average pedophile over his lifetime molests over 100 children.

    (edited due to being math challenged)

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Leander, just because a person leaves the org. it doesn't mean he is corrupt or lacks morals, far from it. My wife was a non-christian when I married her, and her morals have remained the same. Have you noticed the behavior of the witnesses during assemblies at their place of lodging?

    Does it bother your conscience to be discussing issues or matters with us? Has anyone tried to pollute your mind on this forum or they just relating their experiences?

    Why would those you bring the facts out be considered liars and traitors? I've had my personal encounters and it would make your head spin in disbelief what they did to me. Have you notice me express anger, wrath or just the facts on this site? Bear in mind we will all have mixed emotions about the org. One size shoe does not fit all.

    Guest 77

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Don't they keep track of everyone?
    Don't they keep your personal running total of field service hours with # of call backs, conversions, etc. to determine your standing?
    Won't these totals be turned in upstairs on the last day?
    How else would you prove that you were a good JW ?
    Keep notes about confessions or accusations & gossip so that they have proof if a pattern develops, even from one congo to another, doesn't your file follow you?

    Doesn't their book of rules say that these "special" files are kept in a blue envelope?

    Blondie, even the most conservative calculations brings out the seriousness of the problem. Hope the hot seat wakes them up.

  • SYN

    Somebody should sneak into Brooklyn late one night and plant a bunch of Smurfs in the chairs of the Governing Body's meeting table. The fuss the next morning will be so great (there will be riots), that the coast will be clear for a "Friend" to lift the pedofiles and deposit them at some newspaper's offices...

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I heard the new star wars toys had the force!

  • Beans

    First I would like to say that a few weeks ago there was talk of a law being past in NY that all churches MUST report any incidents of abuse and ones in the past! I am not sure what happened to this law as I have not followed up on it but I think someone posted the update recently. If that law passed do you believe that the LIST still exists? Chances are slim of that.

    I don`t think that Bill Bowen would lie about it as if it were found not to be true his cause would be diminshed.

    Why is it that when something is called APOSTATE or is negative it is immediatly deemed wrong and an opinion is assumed by the Jehovahs Witnesses? That is because you are instructed by the Watchtower how to react to these situations and it is embedded into your train of thought and you only assume that the Watchtower is never wrong!


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Did you know that paper shredders can be traced?

  • Leander

    Its interesting all of this stuff is hitting the fan the same month I'm planning on vacating the tower.

    I wonder if the WTS is legally obligated to give details about that file.

  • SYN

    "File? What file? We don't know about any file!" - JR Brown, 12 June 2002

    That's what I called a "self-fulfilling prophecy"!

    "If men were like their personal ads, they wouldn't need personal ads."

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