Heavensgate said:"a preconceived idea or prejudice" in reference to me saying (in context) "..throwing in words nobody understands in a rather unusual way, and then calling them 'fools' because they don't seem to be understanding your long-winded speeches in semi broken English.. You may put people off from talking to you.""
..If you are accusing me of being racially prejudiced, please don't waste my time.
I was brought up to have no tolerance for racism. Furthermore, I am not technically an 'Englishman', I'm Portugese, brought up and educated in England. Talk about judging before you know someone!
Your phrase 'true englishman' reveals far more of YOUR prejudice, my brother.
I am sorry if you found my wording to be upsetting, or if you have suffered racial abuse..
I am not attacking you, I am simply pointing out that you are posting in a 'long winded' way, which means using more words than may be needed, with a writing style that is hard to follow.
When people do not understand a word or sentence you have used, all you need to do is try to explain what it is that you meant. It does not mean that we are not listening..
You can't call people foolish for not understanding, just because your sentences sometimes don't quite make sense. It is unfair, and I find your accusation very offensive indeed. Now, can we discuss the points that I mentioned in my post number 55 in an adult way, and try to not judge each other, please?
*I hold out my hand to offer an apology, will you accept it?*