"Holy cult hypocrisy, Batman!": Wow! I just have to share TheUnwitness' call to WT HQ!
by Island Man 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sam Whiskey
Viewed your video, did you have that call today?
It's always like that, they reserve the righ to pick and choose what is applicable and what is not.
Nice try...nice video. Of course you know they think the problem lies with you, not them. You are not honest hearted, humble, nor hungering for the truth. That is the explanation that we were indoctrinated with at our local Kingdom Halls.
I sure wouldn't like to have that brother's job of answering the telephone questions at Bethel. He is probably monitored to boot.
Sam Whiskey
Guy at the Watchtower sounds sooooo inviting; "May I help you" and "How are you doing....? .......Fine"
To think I worked my butt off helping this "could care less" organization for my whole life. Don't kid yourslef, there's no love there, just a corporation.
Clearly there is a double standard at work.
And the WTS' irony filter is busted.
A prime example of compartmentalization with WT rep.
ompartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.
Compartmentalization allows these conflicting ideas to co-exist by inhibiting direct or explicit acknowledgement and interaction between separate compartmentalized self states. [1]
Pete Zahut
I think I might have left the disfellowshipped part out and simply asked him what the societies recomendation is on how to treat baptized family members or friends who join another religon or simply leave the Watchtower becasuse they don't believe it anymore. He might have said that you should avoid any unecessary contact with them. At that point you could direct him to the article where they said one should be free to change their religion without being punished.
Either way, you can tell this guy is just sick of once again being on the defensive over some out in left field statement made in the magizines and or has a really low opinion of anyone who is disfellowshipped. I didn't hear any compassion or concern for the "lost sheep" or the possibility of gaining a brother back. His voice and demenor really reflects the true tone of this organization as a whole.
Island Man,
Like Sam, I'd like to know WHEN you made that call.
A JW looking over my shoulder just now swears to me that it is fake, because WT no longer accepts such calls.
Island Man
Sam Whiskey, it's not my video. I just found it on youtube and thought it was so revealing and worth sharing here on JWN.
It's one of those WT HQ call videos where the score is Watchower : -10; ex-JW: +10