When the economy collapses, and it will, worse than 2008, far worse...
...what would the watchtower society do if a large group of homeless JW's starting camping out at Wakhill, New York, perhaps in a large 'tent city'?
by LogCon 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
When the economy collapses, and it will, worse than 2008, far worse...
...what would the watchtower society do if a large group of homeless JW's starting camping out at Wakhill, New York, perhaps in a large 'tent city'?
Thats easy, they would called the Authorities of 'Satan's System' to evacuate and if neccesary arrest those tresspasser's on their property! It will be a Loving provision of Jahooba.
Woodstock Wooohoooo!
Kick their arses off the property and claim new light,
We witnesses help eachother out. So there never would be any tent city. There would always be brothers and sisters in a better situation left in the country and they would help those in need.
You forgot the part about how they would first ask them to leave. Any refusing to leave will have dissociated themselves there by becoming apostates. Then they can be arrested.
Will some other elders follow up on my comment? On the congregation level, we were instructed to aid needy Witnesses by helping them to apply for social benefits to which they might be entitled, on the premise that some people do not know how to apply for unemployment, food stamps, or heating assistance.
Of course, we were also told that as a body we could contribute to the needs of Witness families. I do not recall a provision for using congregation funds to help a needy family.
Good people will always help one another. The only difference between "worldly people" and JWs is that "worldly" people don't worry about whether or not you will join their religion. Jws will be shocked when "worldly" people save them.
Whenever a natural disaster occurs, the WT swoops in as 'organizers' to 1) repair/rebuild Kingdom Halls and 2) to assist any active Witnesses with physical assistance in the short term. Any other assistance to any neighbors, non-witnesses, public spaces or buildings is voluntarily done by the publishers at the scene - on their own nickel.
The Congregations take over after the initial mess is stablized. Meanwhile, the Org. continues to broadcast a need for additional $ donations - that should be sent to Headquarters.
If a publisher or family in a congregation is going through hard times, the elder body might approach others (with good jobs) and ask them to assist.
I had a home burn down once - and all we received from the Congregation was a couple of boxes of books and magazines. The neighbors (and some local churches) gave clothes, toys and money...
Gingerbread, it sounds like the brothers were following the lead of WT. The audio drama, "Keep Your Eye Simple" mentions the followings during the Rwandan genocide: "...even when our Rwandan brothers were in dire circumstances, they often asked for spiritual food ahead of material provisions. These brothers needed everything...yet many times the first thing they asked for was a Bible or a Watchtower magazine."