BOE Letter: We want to suck three hours out of your life

by pixel 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    It is important in JWland not to think too much. Indeed, it has proven to be dangerous in many instances. Thinking skills are important primarily for those who belong to other religious organizations: Because their beliefs are false, they need to scrutinise and question those beliefs and then leave. However, in Jehovah's spiritual paradise, you do not need to think. Instead do - and be -appreciative.


    This visit will be beneficial and upbuilding to the Bethel family and to all of God’s people in the United States branch territory.

    ..............All of Gods People?!..


    ..Does That Include Anyone Not A JW?..


    ................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • maninthemiddle

    This seems to lend to thoes theroies that the org is heading to more Circuit assambly hall usage with video and less local speakers.

    Also, more push to a cult of personalilty with GB.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    My request to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Please, please no more use of the word 'special' in any of your BOE letters!

    Damn I'm tired of that word being used in anything having to do with Jehovah's Witnesses!

    Thank you pixel.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    I'll be there!

  • problemaddict

    Oh man. More of this artificial nonsense to whip up the frenzy. What in the world is a "branch visit" for the United States.....when the main hub is already in the United States? Don't you "visit" a place you don't already live?


  • sir82

    That is awfully weird. The "zone visit" will consist of the zone overseer walking across the hallway at Patterson.

    The "zone visit meeting" will be a grueling 50 minute ride to the Jersey City Assembly Hall.

    Of course, the real reaon is to get more face time for the 8 Governing Popes. Poor guys are getting more and more addicted to the adulation and need their "fix" more frequently.

    Maybe it will be a chance to trot out prospective new GB members, since some talks will be given by "headquarters representatives and members of the U.S. Branch Committee." An audition if you will.

    Sort of like in the old USSR days - you could tell who were the up & coming Party members by where they appeared in the "official" photographs - how close were they standing next to Kruschev, Brezhnev, etc.?

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    ...and only a month or so after the 2014 AGM.


  • pontoon

    Just another big $$$$$$$$$$$$$ maker.


    Re-heated soylent favorite.

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