I'm looking forward to next week. Even though, I'm enrolled this semester as an external student, (just to make it easier to go to China during the semester), I'm allowed to attend on-campus lectures and tutorials.
I've just downloaded the Unit guides and everything fits in well with my planned China visit, this unit is at 200 level, so its an easier assignment load (just 3500 words in two asssignments) and both due before my planned dates to visit China. And the exam will be at least two weeks after I get back.
Oh! and a full 15 marks for participation in tutorials. That's an easy 15 marks, as I do well at participation in tutes. (Grin- easy stuff after 40 years as a witness). Not clear yet, whether there will be a web-based discussion group, I hope so, as these provide a great opportunity to try out ideas that can be 'peer' critqued in discussions. Wonderful !
Ah! Yes, can use any bible except the KJV. I will probably use a few. Incidentally, I once asked this lecturer, if he had examined the NWT, and he responded that he thought it was a "lively" translation. Not sure about that, as I think Freddy's wording can be rather turgid.
Anyway, for anyone interested, here's the Lecturer's overview at Macquarie U. http://www.mq.edu.au/about_us/faculties_and_departments/faculty_of_arts/department_of_ancient_history/staff/dr_chris_forbes/
I've bought one of the course's textbooks, Achtemeier, Green, Thompson's, Introducing the New Testament, Its Literature and Theology. Nothing extremely interesting yet. The other text's not in stock yet. Sigh!!. I also plan on giving Vermes', Christian Beginnings, a good going over, particularly when we get to Acts.
So I've started reading Matthew, as the course requires weekly readings ( haha! ministry school memories).
What else - nothing very special about this, but I plan to visit the city of Quanzhou (in south China) during my visit. Why? Among other things, it has the last surviving (known) Manichean Temple in the world. Mani gave Jesus a run for his money and became a famous missionary religion. Scholars from Macquarie U followed some local leads and found the temple (in use as a Buddhist temple). You can read about it at: http://www.mq.edu.au/research/centres_and_groups/ancient_cultures_research_centre/research/cultural_ex_silkroad/zayton/
Note: I believe the exterior may have a modern refurbishment but some of the interior is intact.