Why should you be surprised that jws are haters? Why, because they obey the command ''Love one another?" But that command means exactly what is says: love ONE --> ANOTHER, not everyone! Love only your fellow believers! Maybe because they refuse to take up weapons and go to war? Well, the reason they don't ''learn war'' is not because they're pacifists. They have NO PROBLEM with war in general, as long as it is a God-driven war. They have no problem with the (fictional, thankfully) war agaists the Canaan tribes; they have no problem with the genocidal war that Jehovah will supposedly bring to all mankind except JWs.
So, why exactly are the jws not supposed to be haters?
[cofty, glad to see someone setting the record straight for that hypocritical reigious persona, Teresa! Few people actually know the full story of her.]