In my journey from a believing JW:s to a spiritually weak brother and further to an ”apostates” and now an absolute atheist, I have never ever before felt so spiritually good.
I feel sorry for all those people out there who follow traditions, mullahs, preachers books, GB, CO, DO,s , the pope, Satanist leaders, without trying to get accurate knowledge, but believing they must be spiritually better of then those who do not believe in their gods.
My GOD is searching for true and accurate knowledge, finding proof for what I actually can see, hears, and feel, this is what I think is spiritually. I like to discuss my observations with friends testing If possible their observations is more accurate than my. Not getting trapped in a ready-made “mind pattern” that others has served me. This is what my former “brothers” within the org. call apostasy, spiritually weak and worse atheism.