religious freedom my foot, cringe- worthy moments in FS

by sparrowdown 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sparrowdown

    I remember talking to a highly educated man out witnessing once and the subject

    of freedom of religion came up. The guy simply asked if the freedom of religion we

    advocated was for ALL religion or just JW'S?

    Well it was like a sucker punch to the mind. I thought how could I have been so

    stupid not to notice the absurdity of this common brag amongst JW's before.

    " the watchtower goes into court to fight for freedom of religion all over the world" they say.

    "Of course we only want freedom for OUR religion all others are going to be destroyed " that

    is the truthful answer to that question, but I felt so silly I changed the subject.

    When we got home from field service that day I was in shock at how simply seeing this issue

    from another angle highlighted what audacity we have, even bringing up freedom of religion.

    It was one of those crystallizing moments where I thought

    I cant defend this BS anymore.

    Cheers everyone


  • jonahstourguide

    Too true sparrow, the seemingly benign elements often produce the most profound thoughts.


  • exWTslave

    Very intelligent question he posed!

    Jehovah's Witnesses talking about religious freedom is like North Korean leader lamenting about not having enough freedom of expression in the United States!

    Well done sparrowdown

  • PaintedToeNail

    Sparrow-very good observation. So much is bull when you look at it from another direction. Welcome, by the way.

  • JustVisting

    Good question, it's sort of like the blood fractions dilema. If it's permitted to accept certain blood fractions, then why is it unacceptable to donate blood to provide spmeone with those same fractions? It doesn't add up.

  • sparrowdown

    Yes blood and organ donation are also classic examples of when you turn it around the opposite couldn't possibly be logical.

    ie;" I will accept your blood fractions or even a kidney if you have one to spare but you aint gettin mine so suck it"

    It's like the rubiks cube from hell no matter how you twist it you will never solve the puzzle.


  • Xanthippe

    Very good point sparrowdown. Thinking back we weren't told it was a religion. Other people had religions, we had the Truth. I remember once at a DC the speaker suddenly said 'all you bros. and sis. who are wondering around and not listening, what do you think this is a religion!' However even people of my age have now heard the JWs describing themselves as a religion speaking out for freedom of religion everywhere, so I shall be using that with my JW friend, thanks.

  • LisaRose

    It is some times the simplest ideas that betray this religion for what it is. At the end of the day, they only want religious freedom for themselves, all other religions are wrong, corrupt, not worthy.

  • sparrowdown

    youre welcome Xanthippe.

    happy to offer any embarassing experience I have if it helps wake someone up.


  • kurtbethel

    That illustrates why I prefer to engage any JW I meet in conversation.

    I have learned enough about the corporation religion so that I can frame a question in a way for those who are not hard of thinking will have to ponder over and can not refer to literature for an answer.

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