Jehovah's Witnesses Street recruiting thwarted by "Apostates"
by Watchtower-Free 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I read somewhere that in Japan there was a conserted effort against the WT and it has worked, not sure if this is true but we need more actions like this.
I want to get a pavement sign that simple says "It's a cult -" and stand it beside their trolley.
dear english folks:
I understand what you're trying to do and agree with your thoughts......but in a public on-the-street confrontation you kind of come off looking as fanatical as the J-Dubs do.
And as a deisfellowshipped ex-witness I would not direct anyone to the six screens of the watchtower site. #1. Rick Ferron is a nut and 2. it's such a scary badly produced site that doesn't make a lot of sense.
In my 8 years out of the "truth" I've found that so few people really know anything about the JW's and MOST DO NOT CARE is some of us were ever stupid enough to be a JW. I was born in and used to use that as an excuse that I didn't really have a choice. But you know I really did have a choice....LEAVE.
just my 2 bits sorry
Pete Zahut
Gone are the days when they could go unquestioned. I don't mind that they have their own beliefs, it's the blocking of outside information to it's born in members that I am so against.
JWs today don't realize they're involved in a commercialized fraud by a religious publishing house,
that was created and orchestrated by American Charlatans (false Prophets). $$$
The truthful real indication of it being a fraud is that nothing has happened like they said it would in
the last 100 years or ones who supposedly witnessed the events of 1914.
Just one example of this perpetual fraud in action was the incapable date of mankind living 6000 years from Adam's
existence, it was used once back in the early 1900's and then again to create the 1975 date, which the WTS. used for
almost a decade prior to 1975.
Both were culpable lies in spite of them being commercially successful toward attracting attention to the
organization's literature at different times , 70 years apart.
I think the "I love you's" comes off kind of phoney. I would skip that in the future and also agree about keeping Rick Ferron out of it. JWfacts is a much better choice.
I do wish when people do the video thing they would learn to hold cameras steady.
I applaud your efforts.
Crmsicl ....hi reaction too.
I love you's" comes off kind of phoney.
I would skip that in the future and also agree about
keeping Rick Ferron out of it. JWfacts is a much better choice.
Really like Marc & Cora and think they are genuine but
many people are quite jaded about the love (bombing) thing.