Aroq- so what is appealing about Matthew 25:46 to you.
Is Jesus Christ Your Mediator? Watchtower's Position is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit!
by RottenRiley 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JW have perverted view on position of Jesus and the humanity in a relationship to God. WT teaches (or taught when I was in) that Jesus is only meditator between the annoited sheep and God. The Great crowd is not. Salvation for the Great Crowd is achieved through joing the FDS as a arc of Noe. This view is extremely powerful for the WT to manipulate its members:
- Annoited feels that they have a special relationship and everyone is second class christians
- It maintains over the members a control that their salvation is only possible by joing their publishing house in Brooklyn
The Mahatma Gandi words about Jesus Christ are a different take from the usual words we hear. I think the following thoughts might provide a fresh outlook.
What percentage of JWs do you think actually know Jesus Christ did not die for them? They are guilty of the sins of denying Jesus Christ because they are too lazy to review their belief system and challenge a stagnant worship system that's long dead of spirituality!
Although this may or may not be true in my case, I have reasons to believe that it is an erroneous point of view. I believe that such an estimate is incompatible with the message that Jesus Christ gave to the world. For, he was certainly the highest example of one who wished to give everything, asking nothing in return, and not caring what creed might happen to be professed by the recipient. I am sure that if he were living here now among men, he would bless the lives of many who perhaps have never even heard his name, if only their lives embodied the virtues of which he was a living example on earth; the virtues of loving one’s neighbour as oneself and of doing good and charitable works among one’s fellowmen.
What, then, does Jesus mean to me? To me, he was one of the greatest teachers humanity has ever had. To his believers, he was God’s only begotten Son.* Could the fact that I do or do not accept this belief make Jesus have any more or less influence in my life? Is all the grandeur of his teaching and of his doctrine to be forbidden to me? I cannot believe so.
To me, it implies a spiritual birth. My interpretation, in other words, is that in Jesus’ own life is the key of his nearness to God; that he expressed, as no other could, the spirit and will of God. It is in this sense that I see him and recognize him as the Son of God."
Marking for later use
In effect, a publishing house becomes the mediator of 99% of Watchtower believers today. But are there quotations from Watchtower literature that say this specifically?
Is Jesus Christ Your Mediator
An invisible, un Audible, "Never proved to Exist" Mediator. That is scary