They will attack the scientists and their motives rather than address the actual research.
Unassailable Truth about Creation
by Slidin Fast 24 Replies latest watchtower bible
30,000 year old virus discovered in Siberia.
What other forms of creation could the ancients comprehend or know about since they had no knowledge of
biological evolution ?
The seven days of Creation as told in the bible was an imaginative self expression born out of ignorance.
Ironically we still live in part of that expression in are seven days a week dating calendar.
Slidin Fast
The knowledge of man's history on the earth is resolving and coming into focus fast. We have only been seriously studying it for 150 years but have obliterated the bible as infallible history. those who refuse to understand this are doomed to some kind of pathetic backwater of thinking.
The sad fact is that because of the borg's inflexible refusal to even give truth any wriggle room, dawning of this exiting knowledge takes away any value in the bible. The bible is a rich document full of wisdom and useful material, law, morals and aphorisms we will use all our lives. It isn't the everlasting word of god though. My problem is that the bible has been contaminated by the slime that the Borg has left as it slithered over it's pages.
The Bible Literalist and Bible Inerrancy stances of the WT are so out of date, O.K, they have a few bedfellows, but just look at them !! Creationists and Westboro Baptist types, you are in good company W.T............. not.
As Bart Ehrmann points out in his books, all this stuff has been known to scholars for well over a Century.
The Science of Textual Criticism put paid to Inerrancy, all the Science, History and Archaeology since Darwin ( and quite a bit before him) has put paid to the Literalist view, which really only got going as a reply to Darwin, around the time C.T. Russell was getting going.
The problem for the Bible believer is that he/she is in constant retreat, unless they take refuge in the "Metaphor" argument, as soon as a bit of the Bible is proven to be hogwash, it suddenly becomes Metaphorical.
It is the same with belief in God, the poor old fella is getting pushed further and further back, we don't need him/her/it to explain the beginning of our Universe anymore, let alone life on Earth.
The only position I kind of understand, I cannot bring myself to say "respect", is the position of pure Faith. Believing without proof.
The problem with holding that position is that it is indistinguishable from Delusion.