Does anybody reading this post know anything about the JW school in Tucson, Az, or anybody who attended there?
"Jehovah's Witness School"
by Jacinta 27 Replies latest jw experiences
I attended that school in Tuscon AZ from '79-'84, 1-5 grade. What do you want to know about it, Sangdigger? I tried to email you but I got back "undeliverable". My maiden name while attending that school was Melanie Gilbert.
I also attended Sac State Prep for about a quarter in 1984. I went back to public school and had to make up a lot of credits. Is it still open?
Guess I missed the post you are referring to. But for any doubters, I can confirm that there was definately such a thing. My family, 5 brothers and sisters, all attended here in Tucson for one year. It was also called the new world education center. We started the day off with an assembly, and sang a song out of the song book.
But we had alot of kids in the school. There were at least 10 in my class, and there was a class for each grade, elementary anyway. Didnt teach us much though, we only went for one year, and when we went back to public school, we had to catch up. My brother even had to repeat a year.
This is new to me too. I never heard of such a thing before. it would be interesting if anyone has heard of such a school in Europe?
I can think of all sorts of good reasons why it would be a bad idea. Apart from the obvious false teaching and the indoctrination into the borg, it is always a bad idea to shield children from the reality of life. The biggest lessons we learned at school were how to cope with people and adversity, how to live among very different people. I wonder how they were expected to cope after they graduated?
It is similar to the more recent fad of home education. That is often a bad idea too, unless there are good reasons in one particular case
Over the years several JW schools popped up in various areas. There was one in the Ft Lauderdale area for awhile. From what I know most of the 'brick and mortar' JW schools folded up pretty fast.
I used to belong to a JW home-school corporation.
I lived in the sacramento area and i have never heard of a jw school...interesting. How do they teach history??? do they teach about the world wars or do they skip that and just talk about the jw's that were totured and put in concentration camps?? My parents put me in home school... to PROTECT me (sarcasim) from all the worldy things, boys, drugs, bad language....of course they didn't know that when i met with my homeschool teacher each week I would run of with my b/f and make out.....hehehehe
I went to a JW school for two years of grammar school. It was on the SF Peninsula. I remember the day starting with the daily text. Don't remember much of the class room work, but there were maybe 30 kids altogether -- split into two rooms. I remember learning sewing skills and making a pillow. LOL
I think there is still a JW high school on the SF Peninsula. Wouldn't want to send my kid there if we were still associating. I have heard that all the "problem" JW kids go there. If they have trouble with drugs, bad association, etc.