Why isnt the reasoning book available on jw.org?
reasoning book
by Brainfloss 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Lol, its not????
Probably because its a piece of utter bullshit, just like their Revelation book and the Trinity Brochure, which I believe are also not posted.
Because it can be used to prove the WTS to be false
and because of that it is now " Apostate literature "
The Theocratic Ministry School book has references to the Reasoning Book all through out it also
give it time, The TMS book will become " Apostate Material "
Maybe they're revising or replacing it. The NWT was out of print for a long time while they were revising it. It shouldn't take as long to reivse the Reasoning book, of course.
Double post—sorry.
It's probably because people who find it will see that the nice people who visted their house the other day were actually just reciting one of many pre-written responses. I know I didn't like the idea of just repeating what others told me to say when I was on the ministry and it seemed kind of pointless.
It also undermines any "knowledge" (scriptualor scientific) that jws could appear to have when you meet them for the first time and they don't hesitat. In answering your questions.
From what I have seen there is a lot of 'old light' in the reasoning book and I am very surprised it has not been replaced, or at least a 'new and improved' version posted on the website.
The revised edition will be released at the AGM this year. It will update with all the "nu-lite". The title will also be revised from "Reasong from the Scriptures" to "Non-Reasoning From the Governing Body....Take it or Leave it"!
Just saying!
The real problem with the "Reasoning book" is that it quoted from a mish mash of extremely old sources, and that was at the time it was published!
There is little to no new support from "scholars" to back up many of their crazy ass doctrines. I also think the book was critical in waking up many "thinkers" who researched some of the stuff in there (crosss for example) and realized the WTS was guilty of quote mining. If they put out a new book doing the same thing it will be even easier to reasearch their misquotes.