The hope of a better world is what attracted me (and likely many of you other loiterers (grin) on this site) into the mental mindtrap of Christian thought. I guess its understandable, re-reading the words that the author of the Matthew gospel that we know as the sermon on the mount, its easy to think, that if Jesus ruled the world, everything would be OK.
I'm still interested in a better world. So have many other thinkers (and revolutionaries). We, who live in what has came to be known as the first world ( a little bit of conceit in the term, maybe?), have achieved a reasonable standard of living. I used to point out in my PT's that life in the west is likely better than the life of King David. Why so? He may have had a bigger house, but we likely have as many, if not more, luxuries than David. If you doubt, just try to count up yours and his luxuries. But today the great mass of humanity live lives not too far different to one of King David's peasant subjects.
But, in starting this discussion, I was thinking of two stories I found on the web recently that maybe point the way to a better world.
The first was a talk about washing machines by Professor Hans Rosling: (I'll post the other later).