We had an elderly Pioneer/MS in our Hall and he used to like to rattle the elders. He liked using the "N" word in his comments. He one time started to comment about the "ni##er pool" that he would observe among the poorer blacks.
Was There Anything A JW Said That Made You Raise Your Eyebrows?
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
Any statement by the Watchtower leadership about "obeying the slave even if it doesn't make sense" always made me raise an eyebrow.
"Jehovah is an authoritarian God." (that's verbatim, BTW)
I'll never forget that one; it was completely contrary to what my otherwise devout JW parents had taught me. Ironically, these days, I'm actually kind of inclined to agree with it (at least the OT version of Him, anyway).
I'm pretty much agnostic at this point, now, though, so I don't worry about it too much.
Frankly, the older I got, the more my eyebrows would lift (or furrow) when I'd hear an assertion I knew "just ain't so". And I was hearing those kinds of assertions more and more often.
Willful ignorance bothers the hell out of me, almost as much as intellectual dishonesty.
The guy who conducted my Bible Study tested his blood pressure at my house and it was around 210/100. He said he wasn't going to worry about it because he was looking forward to being resurrected anyway so didn't care if he died soon.
Not so much raised an eyebrow, was probably a look more like someone had a pair of vise-grips clamped down on me (got you by the balls).
1. Often repeated comment about there being no rain before the flood of Noah.
2. Hebrew was the original language.
Back in the 80s the non-JW sister of my Bible Study conductor died in another state. During the announcements at the KH his sister's death wasn't mentioned. I expressed my puzzlement to an Elder as to why nothing was said. His reply: 'Well, she wasn't a Jehovah's Witness anyway.'
"Everything said from the stage is like it is said from Jehovah"
The same elderly MS/Pioneer decided to tell on his Pioneer/Elder friend that he was "doing something bad with the (black) sister and that HE was the real father of the ni##er baby". He told a full congregation that on a Sunday morning after the elders decided to relieve him of his "privileges".
I had one that claimed the bread of laziness was the bread you bought at the store. You should be making it yourself.
And if I remember correctly he said something about putting a woman over your knee and giving her a spanking (and not in the fun way)
In his defense he was old school and one of the few people that lived what he believed.
Now that I think about it, he is pretty much the only JW I have any respect for.
I know he will get whatever reward is out there for the faithful.
About 35 years ago,before scripted talks I listened to a public talk by an elder (not elders then)
He started talking about WW11 and how bad the "japs" were then and how bad the "chinks" were when they fought the "japs" just before the second world war. We were in an area were a lot of Japanese Canadians were interned for the war just for the crime of being of Japanese decent.
I would have walked out if I was either Japanese or Chinese and insulted that way. None of the other "elders" seemed to be concerned.