Baptisms only at regional ( district ) assemblies from 2014 / 15 service year?

by dozy 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • bildad

    Why should you have to wait a year & for an assembly to get baptised?

    Excellent point. Many years ago a Church if Christ Minister asked me that question. I had no answer for him. Every account I researched showed an immediate baptism after learning about Christ.

    That point has always remained with me.

  • Quendi

    If this rumor is true, it speaks volumes about the number of Witness-raised youth who are embracing the religion as well. As it is, some two-thirds of those raised in a Witness household abandon the organization after reaching adulthood. Maybe these young people are making that decision while still living at home. Many of those being baptized are born-ins anyway. Ending baptisms at the one-day assemblies could be another indication that something is rotten in the state of the WTS.


  • Apognophos

    Maybe, but this also makes sense simply from a time management standpoint. Why devote 30 minutes of every one-day assembly to a baptism talk?

  • whathappened

    Hope this is true. It will stop people from getting baptised on an impulse.

  • JustVisting

    The baptism talk always ends with a prayer, what do they pray for when there is nobody to be baptized? What if they held an assembly and no one came?

  • bsmart

    When the Catholic church baptises adults they generally wait till Easter season. If there are good reasons they will opt to do it during the year, but mostly during Holy week (the week prior to Easter). Once a year. And with classes for several months before. The witnesses are getting more like the Catholics as they go along.

  • smiddy

    If this rumour is true , I think its a great idea . That gives the poor sucker more time to contemplate what he/she is doing and hopefully for their sake opt out of a bad decision.


  • WTWizard

    I hope lots of people end up having to wait 8 or 9 months after becoming unbaptized publishers, and decide that the whole thing is a scam and take as many active jokehovians out with them. And I hope that creates lots and lots of apostates that were never baptized, since they had to wait nearly a whole year and they turn apostate before that year is up.

  • gingerbread

    If this is true I would bet the the WT will come up with a new title for anyone set to get baptized at the Convention. You we now have "Unbaptised Publisher."

    Perhaps :

    - "Baptismal Candidate"

    - "Dedicated Publisher"

    - "Minister in Waiting"

    - "Minister in Training"

    - "Baptismal Apprentice"

    - "Whole Souled Publisher"


  • PaintedToeNail

    It makes one wonder what they are going to do with all those assembly hall pools.

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