With the exception of the prophets, none of the writers of the Bible had any concept that what they were writing was "inspired of God". Not even the NT writers, such as the apostle Paul. The more you investigate the Bible, the more you realize that it's a collection of texts that were gathered together in an anthology, most of then heavily redacted in later times to suit a specific religious agenda. I doubt that God ever intended to produce a "Bible" as we have it today.
For example, ask yourself: What did Paul considered "All Scripture" in his day? Evidence is available that the Christians in the days of Paul were using the OT Septuagint. What is included in the Septuagint? The OT apocrypha. There are several references in the NT to texts in the OT apocrypha. The decision to leave out those texts out of the Jewish Cannon was taken only towards the end of the 1st century; the decision to leave them out of the Christian Cannon was taken only in the 4th century; and the decision to leave them out of the Bible entirely was taken by Martin Luther in the 16th century.