The best Public Talk I ever heard was one I heard in a JW Kingdom Hall. Unfortunately, the hurriedly formed JC disfellowshipped him within a couple of weeks for not worshipping the Octo(headed) GB. This happened two years back when I was his fellow-elder. When questioned after the talk, he said so casually: ‘I wanted to speak the truth at least once from the platform, and come out of “the truth” forever!’
He was talking on the subject: “Jehovah is a Jealous God.”
After closely following the WT PT Outline for some time, his style began to change. On making the quote from the Bible: “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.” (Exodus 20:5), he said this statement seems to be of Mose’s own. A God whom Jesus revealed would not speak like this.
The kind of God Jesus introduced is a God who will not punish, curse or destroy anybody, no matter how wicked he is. (Mathew 5:44-48) He just lets people learn from their experiences and lets each one to take his own time to grow to maturity. (Luke 15:11-31) Any other concepts found in the Bible contrary to this clear statement of Jesus and his picturization are later development. (Acts 20:28-30)
God would not choose a group of people as His own for the simple reason that he is “impartial” to all people and all are His children. (Deuteronomy 10:17) The statement God supposedly made in Exodus 20:5 is after the great miracle of parting of Red Sea on behalf of His “own people.” It is unlikely that this miracle has taken place. Because it is impossible for a people who saw such a great miracle to immediately turn into calf-worship, insulting the loving God who performed such miraculous feat. Not only this, God would not have performed any miracle, as reported in the Bible. Because, earth is filled with miracles—life and all life-support systems—are all greater miracles than those claimed to have taken place in the Bible period! Besides, if God or His representative performs any miracle, the question will arise: If miracles can happen in the past, why not now?
God’s style of functioning is so simple that it rules out a written word to guide people on earth. He knows ACTION speaks louder than words! God whose essence is “goodness” does what is good for the sake of goodness. (Luke 18:19) People are free to copy His essence! For example, take eye-sight we are endowed with. If all humans were born blind, would we ever have felt the NEED of vision, and asked God: “We would have better enjoyed our lives if you had also given us the ability to see.” But the truth is that God cared and provided for something which we are actually INCAPABLE of even discerning its need. One can list millions of things like these testifying God’s majestic goodness. The lesson His action conveys is that if you want to be like God, or spiritual, you discern the need of others and care for it even before he/she asks for it. (Mathew 6:8; Galatians 5:14) If you are thus spiritual/virtuous, you are the one who benefits primarily. [This is in contrast to what we hear in our households: “How many times should I tell you?” which sows the seed of discord …..] If you are spiritual, you experience serenity which in turn strengthens your immunity and ensures a good relationship with others. If not, stress results, immunity suffers, relationship suffers … loss after loss! (
Not only God’s action, even His inaction teaches us a valuable lesson. Over the millenniums many religions have presented Him differently, even belittling Him, yet He has done nothing to correct theml; He would have done it if religions were His, and if He wanted praise from humans. His approach is that if you prefer fleshly life, your enjoyment will be limited; on the contrary if you “walk by the spirit,” your enjoyment will be unlimited. (Galatians 5:13-26) This allows everyone to grow spiritual in his own way and his own time!
Effect of his talk:
No one accepted his ideas except me in whom the seed he sowed sprouted gradually. He never came to meet the brothers, and no one knows where he is now!