Atlanta International Convention Hotels Not Being Filled Up!

by James Jackson 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • WTWizard

    Looks like a major smackdown is nigh. That is what happens when tyrants don't get their way: If pleadings and beggings don't work, they try houndings and threats. When those fail, they bring out the big guns. What exactly this will come as, is beyond what anything but time will tell. However, I think they will either start judicial hearings for "brazen conduct" on anyone that either doesn't book a room or goes off the list, or they will start legal measures that classify our baptism as a legally binding contract with baptism the signature. They might try simply hounding anyone that goes to a different session (making them request permission from the hounders first), under threat of losing "privileges". If that doesn't work, then the disfellowshippings. And if even that doesn't work, the legal measures.

  • Londo111

    I have heard from a good source that a similar situation for the Landover, Maryland convention.

  • maninthemiddle

    The GA dome has two big hotels attached to the adjoing world congress center. Were thoes on the official list?

    My In-laws from Winder have decided they are too old to drive downtown and are going to Knoxville with family instead, I wonder how many are opting out from driving downtown and parking.

    Also Atlanta has many nice hotels that people will stay at for a mini vacation, maybe a lot of folks are chhosing other hotels for that reason. I'd sure stay at the Westin even if it wasn't on the list. (not that I'm going).

    I'd love to know where you are from IE what areas appear to not want to go downtown. PM me if you like.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    WT is meeting with same resistance from rank and file in Southern California where DCs are scheduled at the San Diego Chargers' Qualcomm Stadium.

    Many, as in the word lots, many publishers are going to smaller scheduled venues closer to home or perhaps wanting to go somewhere that has an indoor arena. Its' so bad that WT had a stern letter read not once but twice in one week in an attempt to get the sheep in line.

    I think its' awesome!

  • problemaddict

    Its TWO series of dates for the Honolulu international conventions.....because you know......Honalulu is super international and junk.

  • Magwitch

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the Society pre-pays for a block of rooms at a discounted rate. So if those rooms do not sell out than they have to eat that expense. At least that is how it works with our company conferences. If that is the case then I hope everyone either drives back and forth or finds a non-gb hotel.

  • snowbird

    LOL @ Mag.

    It's been explained to me that is how it works.

    So, it's understandable why the WT is so insistent on JW's using WT-approved hotels.


  • maninthemiddle

    We are so used to driving in this city that I bet people from easily 70 miles around will drive instead of using a hotel. That makes up a huge amount of people all all the suburbs around the city.


    Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the Society pre-pays for a block of rooms at a discounted rate.

    So if those rooms do not sell out than they have to eat that expense.....magwitch

    .....JW`s Donate Money..........................The WBT$ Spends it..


    .......................................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • L3G

    See committeechairman's post here:

    for an explanation of the funding that Magwitch is asking about. It's on p. 2 at the top.

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