How's the weather in your area?

by Decided 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity

    Phizzy..."those bluff Yorkshiremen and anywhere North of that

    have it a bit rougher"


    Those Yorkies better get some good old Canadian long-johns

    on or they'll freeze ........... oh wait I thought you said buff!


    Warmed up here today, finally stopped raining!


  • LisaRose

    It rained last night, but now it is clear and beautiful, it is supposed to top out at 60 degrees. We have been in a drought, but finally got some rain in the last few weeks, the hills have finally greened up and the poppies are blooming.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Here on the island it's sunny and windy. It's the dry season. A nice day for the beach. But also a nice day for bush fires.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    60 Spring day in Tampa Bay cloudy with a little wind.

  • karter

    Warm and sunny here in New Zealand.


  • NotNew

    It's 66 and breezy here in SW Florida...half way between Sarasota and Fort Myers:)

    they say the next 3 days will be beautiful during the day with sunny skys and high 70 to low 80s

    ***Don't forget to spring ahead this Saturday night Sunday morning.

    1. Daylight Saving Time (United States) 2014 begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 9 and ends at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 2


  • mynameislame


    Are those 2014 convention badges they are wearing?

    I bet a lot more men would get baptised if they did the dunking!!

  • wasblind

    And I thought nothin' could be finer than to live in Carolina

    might as well be in Alaska



    I'm goin' back to the Kingdom Hall

    The end has come

  • Suspicious

    It's starting to look promising here in MN now. It's been above freezing so can't complain too much. Spring is desperately needed. This winter has been brutal.

  • designs

    Our winter was 11/2 days of rain period.

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