Arguments to prove Noah's Ark story is just a myth

by will-be-apostate 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • prologos

    warning, if you like only sane stuff, do not read on.

    Bible chronology proves conclusively, that the flood happened at the same time as the building of the greatest pyramids, by legions of workers. how is that possibly possible?

    Pyramids are very important in the nacent 'end-of the world' WT calculations of Pastor C. Russel et al. (he is even buried under one. so the Pyramids had to be build, preserved during the flood! no matter what. No pyramids, no early wt prophecy. impossible? not according to the local miraculous phenomenon/miracle of the INVISIBLE water dam.

    The concept was proven and recorded during the 'exodus of the slaves' in the Moses / Passover story, but that was only a small replay of the greater Water repelling that allowed the Pyramids to be build while the rest of the world drowned.

    of course that begs the question why did Noah not just herd the animals down there too? he could have saved himself a lot of muscle ache.

    and inhaling all these organic compounds.

  • Crazyguy

    There so many ways to kill off mankind with out having to flood the planet. One messenger supposedly killed 185,000 Assyrians. The idea that all the world's animals, insects etc have to be gathered in one place. And lets not forget people like to have sex and all the while Noah is building the ark year's his family has no children, come on!

  • aposta-Z

    Here is plenty of good links on the flood myth. I hope this also helps.

  • Apognophos

    Interesting side note, the number of species is not considered to be a valid variable in the calculation of space on the ark because animals reproduce according to their "kinds", and a kind is traditionally considered by Bible thumpers as bigger than a species. For instance, there have been seven species of giraffes identified, but since giraffes are pretty much all the same (right?), only two giraffes needed to be saved on the ark, and the resulting similar species could have been descended from them.

    Some would point out that this sounds a lot like an embracing of evolution, but creationists consider it to simply be "variation" which was allowed for by God when the animals were created. Some use the term "microevolution" to differentiate from the macroevolution that they deny created all forms of life from the original single-celled organism. See the article "Flood" in the Insight volume to see the Society allowing for evolution to explain why not so many animals were needed on the ark.

  • LisaRose

    Mrs. Brown and the Mormons. She makes a good point about how much excrement those animals would produce.

    Actually, why do you need to prove the flood story? It's pretty ridiculous on the face of it, they need yo prove how any of it could be even remotely possible.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Lied2NoMore: If we suddenly could be elevated to that height the first breath we took would instantly freeze our lungs and you would be dead within a few minutes. Air temp at that height is in the -55 to -60 degree range.

    Actually, that wouldn't be the case. The reason for the greatly reduced temperature high in the atmosphere has to do with greatly reduced density of the air. But remember that in the case of the flood it's not a situation of you alone being elevated high in the atmosphere. Rather it's you and the entire atmosphere being elevated together. Your relative position in the atmosphere remains about the same. As fast as the water level rose, earth's atmosphere would also have been displaced upwards, so that the atmospheric conditions on the surface of the water at the height of the flood wouldn't be too much different to atmospheric conditions at the surface of the ground before the flood. (Not that I actually believe the flood story. Only that this issue you raised isn't a valid one.)

  • jam

    How many people does it take to maintain a zoo for

    one day?? How about a year....

  • problemaddict

    I can't believe all you flood denyers! Well there are good reasons for all fo those things.

    1) Amount of species. Well duh.....Noah put them in the ark "according to their kind", which means you have a set of wolves in there, and then "hyper-evolution" (I made that up but I like it), resulted in the species we see today. About 11-133 new ones every day using modest stats. Hey a new species just flew by my window!

    2) Sure it was cold at 35K feet, but they probably didn't use feet back then.....but who knows HOW TALL the mountains were back then. Sure they grow at a snails pace now, but back then they grew faster. Ye of little faith. Of course, with that amount of animals, dung feces, and food, they had all they needed locked in tight to be able to keep warm. Just think of the methane usage alone! I am sure they burned that for heat.

    3) Kangaroos do what?......they hop! So they made it to Australia. I mean it only takes two right? They could have hopped on driftwood and dead carcass. The bloated corpses of human being could serve as both food, AND flotation devices.

    4) Insects.....duh....they ate the crap. It solves the other "issue" you dang flood denying apostates have brought up of animal waste and lack of oxygen.

    5) Water came from the cloud canopy AND from underground well springs. I mean just look at the trailer for Noah with Russell Crow and see for yourself!

    6) Rainbows are proof!

    In all seriousness, my mother told me she thought the reality of the flood was one of the hallmarks for the bibles accuracy. She said they have found animal skeletons in caves where predators and prey were all together trying to escape that was pretty much it for her.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Personally, I think the myth was just a story that everyone passing it along knew was a myth. Somewhere down the road, some people forgot that the stories of Genesis were just myths used to entertain and teach.

    I think the Garden of Eden story was a lesson to scare people, similar to the JW Armageddon destruction stories. The lesson was to obey, do what the priests tell you, because you don't want to piss off Yahweh- he kicked Adam out of the garden and gave women birth pains and doomed us all for not obeying and He will mess you up if you don't do as His representatives tell you.

    Similar with Jesus. Somewhere in the second century, people started treating the myth like it was real. It was good for morale to give hope, and everyone knew it was just a story, but then some insisted it was real.

    The same may happen with Flying Spaghetti Monster one day. Right now, we know that the story was started to prove how silly accepting religion into the classroom was, and how we must make room for every silly belief if we make room for any silly beliefs. But one day, there may actually be a Church of FSM and the jokes will become some kind of gospel.

  • Comatose

    The flood waters lasted a year. Coral reefs in freshwater for a yr? Trees and plants living submerged for a year? earth worms lived underwater for a year? Why are there poisinous snakes right now? Wouldn't Noah have taken just the nice "kind"?


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