In Defense Of Pantheism

by metatron 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I hope the link's on dailygalaxy anyway and deals with the mystery of how plants seem to make decisions.

    Rather than choose between atheism or theism, I choose pantheism - that the universe has a degree of consciousness distributed thruout it, perhaps even down to the quantum level. We can call this background of a maintained cosmos "God" if we want. It is why the universe has consistent laws and standards and keeps them going across billions of miles and eons of time - but it isn't a person, as we think of it.

    When the Apostle Paul wrote that "God" was made manifest thru looking at creation, he was simply wrong because there is no morality in creation - a fact recognized by Darwin and various philosophers thruout centuries.

    I wish we could explore the idea of "intelligent design" without reference to a personal creator. Unfortunately, that may not be possible as I found out after attending a screening of "Expelled" years ago which documented suppression of such research. Immediately after it ended, a lay pastor got up and started preaching about how this should motivate people to reject evolution, blah, blah, blah. I sighed and left.

    I think we will see more and more discoveries about mind and consciousness around us in the future. That's my speculation. For some, the idea of a synthesis between atheism and theism is revolutionary. If so, more power to them.


  • prologos

    I am not good at dealing with these links, prefer your personal digest.

    There is this buiding, the PANTHEON, dedicated to ALL Gods, or like Pan-American Airlines of old, flying to all countries on the dual continents so,

    Is Pan-theism a form of theism embracing all divinties real and fictional (if there is a real)?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    "I choose pantheism - that the universe has a degree of consciousness distributed thruout it, perhaps even down to the quantum level."

    I think what you are describing here might be panpsychism.

  • EndofMysteries

    If not creation by a single being, I find that easier to buy then just athiesm and random chance spontaneous life out of nothing. I was contemplating the other day how within our body there exists a world / ecosystem w/ cells, t cells, invaders, viruses, etc, and how remarkable how they interact and such, then how within a cell there is a whole world itself. It made me think how our whole planet may be just a cell within something else, etc.

  • EndofMysteries

    O and thanks for posting that article, that was a very interesting read!

  • jwfacts

    I am an Agnostic that feels most comfortable with Pantheism.

  • metatron

    Yes, Breakfast, you are probably correct as to strict definitions. I just see panpsychism as a practical equivalent to pantheism.

    As I was thinking about this topic, I just noticed that "The Week" magazine had "Do Atoms Play?" as its final article in which it discusses Galen Strawson and his theories about universal mind and atoms.

    I can also recommend Mind and Cosmos by Nagel. Not an easy read but he is an atheist who nevertheless forcefully rejects a purely Darwinist, materialist view of the universe. There is also the recent book on Biocentrism by Lanza - although his ideas seem unfalsifiable.

    The Bible seems to contain two contradictory views of God: a gray haired eminence on a throne or a universal spirit that the Psalmist saw as being everywhere at once. I think the universal spirit makes a lot more sense especially in view of our universe's maintained coherence.


  • prologos

    The idea that entities in universe, that have no brains can "think", because they are somehown endowed with intelligence implies directed autonomy. I am not ready for that leap, but no doubt

    the ecomomic laws in nature are amazing.

    I am thinking of the refraction laws, that always result in the light or other radiations? taking a path that gives them the shortest TRAVEL TIME, like the life-guard running, then swimming just the right distance to save the drowning swimmer ASAP.

    it remains the question of the origin, smeared out or not.

  • cofty

    Have you researched the distinction between pantheism and panentheism?

  • Satanus

    I am in this camp, too. Playing w the words and their exact meanings is a going back to religion and then, theology. The reality is all around us, imo. Until it is explored to a much greater extent, terms can wait (unless you wanna learn sanskrit. I don't.).


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