The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, is an American creation ! There is a book all ex-and
exiting jw's should read Adventism in America by Garry Land
Its a history of 19th century Adventism. It was an American movement started by Miller
and others from about 1830 through 1900's, and on to the present Advent churches
including modern Seven Day Adsventists and included all the Jehovah's Witnesses.
"Special knowledge" ? Doctrines you associate with the "truth" ?
All the doctrines you were told were "special knowledge" were simply
American Adventism, The Plan of the Ages, no Hellfire, Camp Meetings, House to House,
rejection of organized religion, no trinity, thousand year reign of Christ, Bible Chronology,
setting Dates for Armageddon, .... etc etc .....all Adventist, born in the USA.