Watchtower® and their education

by punkofnice 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • losingit

    Interesting!!!! Sorry you were Americanized by jws. Further reason to be PISSED! I'm just mad I was Witness-ized period.

    Btw, this occurswith the Spanish translations too. Idk what country's Spanish they used but I swear I felt like I was learning an unknown version of Spanish, WT Spanish. Weird & yucky!

  • EndofMysteries

    A real IQ test is not limited to knowledge. No college and my IQ tested at 130. There were many puzzles, memory, and logic aspects of the test. If it was only based on education then it would have shown no college.

  • steve2

    Yes Kate, we New Zealanders once followed British spelling but increasingly have American spelling. When it comes to which is "correct" it's hard to be adamant given that, even Shakespeare invented words and spellings throughout his writings. My current spell check is British so the spelling is "organisation" and "programme" etc. Although I must admit I often choose to use American spelling when I'm on the internet because most readers use that spelling. I don't necessarily think New Zealand JWs use this spelling any more than the general population.

  • punkofnice

    Adcms - I don't remember that particularly but the name Randy did cause us the giggles...yes it means horny

  • thedog1

    What about the famous movie ''Free Willy"?

  • villagegirl

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, is an American creation ! There is a book all ex-and

    exiting jw's should read Adventism in America by Garry Land

    Its a history of 19th century Adventism. It was an American movement started by Miller

    and others from about 1830 through 1900's, and on to the present Advent churches

    including modern Seven Day Adsventists and included all the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    "Special knowledge" ? Doctrines you associate with the "truth" ?

    All the doctrines you were told were "special knowledge" were simply

    American Adventism, The Plan of the Ages, no Hellfire, Camp Meetings, House to House,

    rejection of organized religion, no trinity, thousand year reign of Christ, Bible Chronology,

    setting Dates for Armageddon, .... etc etc .....all Adventist, born in the USA.

  • punkofnice

    Steve - Ditto. I use 'Americanisms' not just because they're cool but I know they will probably be more acceptable here.

  • kaik

    WT is American centric religious cult whose beliefs is ethnocentric since its creation. It believes that USA has a specific relationship or meaning with God. It disregard massive population of China, India, or Islamic world. It think that Jesus and prophets will rather appear in USA than in their native lands. Rutherford build mansion for them in California, instead middle east. USA is the only industrialized country in the world were religion produced several crazies like JW, Mormons, southern baptists, pentacostal, etc and it is the biggest consumer of religious publishing.

  • A.proclaimer

    I never realized that the Watchtower doesnt have British English until I read this post. Really strange since other websites offer British English as an alternative and a lot of non-English speaking countries teach British English. It just makes it easier for them, rather than go back and change the spelling on certain words.

  • Apognophos

    Yeah, that was a surprise to me, as well.

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