Victory in Defeat !

by cookiemaster 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cookiemaster

    Maybe you guys remember that in January, I shared here our situation with the ongoing conflict with the MS that was conducting the WT study in our home. Well, my parents decided to talk to the elders about it. The last time he held the study in our home he really said some insulting things during it. So my father went and told the elders about it.

    The next week we had the CO visit. So we were all going towards the location were the CO was about the hold the meeting previous to going in field circus (not sure how this meeting is callled in English speaking countries). Anyway we were all in the car, including the elder my father talked to. He started saying that he heard about our little problem and he's going to take care of it, and that he certainly doesn't like what's going on in this study group. My mother starts sharing some details about what happened more precisely but he tells her to shoosh cause women shouldn't be talking against brothers in the cong. Also on a pissed tone he says that under no circustances we are to disclose this situation to the CO.

    We all went in field circus and later in the afternoon he called that the CO will come to our house in a sheparding visit. My parents said that they would like to talk to him about this situation with the MS. He got angry and said they should do whatever the hell they want, if they're not going to obey his indications. This elder spent the entire hour in the parking lot outside our house in the CO's car. He didn't come in at all. The CO came in with another elder and started talking about how we need to continue our spiritual progress, that we should sacrifice everything we got for Jokehova, and blah, blah, blah kept on going for an hour without having an actuall conversation with us. Basically he gave a public talk to three people.

    They left, the week with the CO visit was over and now it was time for us to keep the WT study again. The elders called that they're going to come and participate also (for the first time in many months). So two elders came, one of them gave a talk (to 8 people, lol) and then it was the MS's turn to conduct the WT study. He slipped a small insult this time too. Upon the study ending my parents were anxiously waiting to see how the elders are going to take care of the problem. That elder I was talking about previously said they have two new announcements. From now on the WT study is be held on Saturdays from 7 PM by our group. Secondly, the study is being moved to the MS's house, and we should go into service with the MS every Saturday and then study at his house. How is this a fix ? My parents were shocked and speachless. The MS left and the elders stayed a little more but they've offered only cold and rude answers. My parents said that they expected for the insult problem to be taken care or at least discussed but they quickly changed the subject and ignored them, and they left too.

    My parents see this as a big defeat from the MS. They're also very unhappy with the way the elders treated them. I tried to intensify their displeasal and alienation from the congregation, taking advantage of the situation. I see this as a big victory. My parents said they're not going to go to any meetings at that MS's house and maybe not even at the upcoming two day assembly (awesome !). My mother even mentioned that another discouraging situation like that could make them fall from the truth (Yaaaay ! ). Honestly, I'm really happy with how the things turned out and I hope that as time passes I will be able to make them further and further away from this cult and liberate us all.

  • KateWild

    Thanks for the story. It's a shame that your parents had to be hurt, no one should get treated this way. But it had the desired outcome I am glad you seem to be planning an exit with your whole family.

    Have you tried teaching them some TTATT, it may help them feel better, they may be feeling some cognitive dissonance right now and may need to know that WT is not guided by holy spirit and niether are their elders.

    Kate xx

  • clarity
  • quellycatface

    Thinking of your Mum and Dad at this time. I hope you continue to make progress on getting them out.

    They must see how purile and petty this mind-controlling cult really is. That kind of behaviour is NOT acceptable in grown ups.

    Take care, QCF


  • FadeToBlack

    I think quellycatface nailed it: this type of behavoir is not normal among mature, fully functional adults. The light bulbs should start going off....

  • DesirousOfChange

    Perhaps it's time for your family to begin researching as to whether this is really The Truth(TM), considering that Jesus said you would identify his disciples by their LOVE for one another. If they don't meet that test then, quite simply, they CANNOT be His people.

    You (your parents) might just be amazed at what they find online when they begin their research.


  • Honesty
  • will-be-apostate

    " he tells her to shoosh cause women shouldn't be talking against brothers in the cong" WTF?? Now, he just went full retard there. Like, men should be?

  • villagegirl
  • AlphaMan

    That elder & MS are both assholes! Sounds like you are making progress getting your parents out of the cult.

    Wow.....if you thought the MS was insulting in your house just wait until he gets your family in HIS HOUSE to study the Watchtower.

    If the MS says anything insulting......right then and there you should call him down on it. It will force your parents to pick a side. I'm bettting they will side with you against the MS asshole. On the way to the WT study get your parents fired up against the MS asshole. Maybe he will finally offend them enough to push them over the edge to leave the JW cult.

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