My wife told me today that during a conversation with a relative on the phone recently, the relative said that someone in their congregation had been invited to take part in a branch extension in a foreign country. This young woman who had been asked to take part is a solid Witness, though not a pioneer, but guess what? She is an architect! That's why she was invited. Interesting thing is that my wife then said, why is the org so hard on university education and they also rely on university graduates to do the work on branch extensions etc. I hadn't said anything to her about it previously, but I simply agreed that they couldn't have their cake and eat it!
Higher Education
by thedog1 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It does seem to be a double standard.
A friend who is very active in the RBC just told me that the WT policy for qualifications on building projects is "spiritual qualifications first" -- Holy Spirit can direct a man on how to use a hammer to drive a nail.
I wondered about when a GB member has appendicitis or a gall bladder attack if they will seek out a Special Pioneer or Bethel Elder with "spiritual qualifications" and trust the Holy Spirit to direct how/where the scalpel cuts?
Spiritual Qualifications First
If she is in Ireland, I know who it is and she was actually encouraged to do it so as to be useful to the uk bethel.
A double standard ? Yah think ? The entire organization is based on double standards.
Its what they do. Separte people into "classes" Men and women are treated as two classes.
They will say wome are "equal to men" but this is like the racists in the Spouthern USA who
practiced apartheid and claimed the Blacks were "seperate but equal" that was clearly bullshit.
and so is the white wash of the treatment of women in the WT, who can't even sort literature
or greet people, or carry a microphone. How threatened are this men ? So they have to rely
on a woman architect, and how are they going to control that situation, when she draws up
the construction documents and then has tell all the male workers what to do and how to do it .
Itd double think, double standards and this woman has major blinders on to even be there.
This is good for your wife to recognise this is a double standard. Hopefully she will wake up soon like you have. She might even read CoC if you find the right approach. Tread carefully though.
Kate xx
i remmeber the talk of a (former) missionary about some countries in south america, and how he bashed higher education. The talk continued showing the physicians working at bethel there.
Sometime sI wonder, whether he was really that blind to not recognize the double standard, or he was doing it on purpose...
I thought the main point of the counsel about higher education was to keep the kingdom's interest first.
So it would be okay to use a college education to help promote the kingdom message.
After all many corporations invest in educating their employees if it benefits them.
The society just doesn't want people going if it is for personal gain.
so rule of thumb....good for them yes....good for you no.
The Watchtower Society has sent (and paid for) men to become exchange for future pro bono representation.
We know of a brother in Texas who is a dentist. He used to make annual trips to Brooklyn to work on the GB and other men in position.
Don't fool yourself. The GB will recruit (into their inner circle) Witnesses with money, education and specialized professions.
The "Organization" is a Corporation. It's alive and it needs blood. It will take whatever you allow it to take. It's survival, not your life or happiness is the #1 priority. There is a symbiotic relationship between those at the top and MOTHER. They live quite well off the scraps around MOTHER'S gaping maw. Everyone else is just caloric intake for the beast.
If you have a skill, they will use it up. At best you will receive a slight warm and fuzzy feeling from your spiritual security blanket. It's like a drug that numbs you to the fact that you are being eaten alive.