New Light - Good for goose... gander SOL

by Zoos 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Zoos

    When JWs accept new light they must, by default, accept that what they WERE teaching was false. They allow themselves the luxury of error so long as it is in the pursuit of better understanding.

    You would think this scenario demands that allowance be made for other religions with false teachings, but alas, no. A typical answer given by JWs at this point is:

    "But we find the mistakes and fix them. Other religions don't."

    I'm not familiar enough with other religions to confirm or deny that assertion. How would you respond to such a statement?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Who made the mistake?

    If the F&DS is Jehovah's sole channel of communication to His people, please explain who is at fault for mistakes being communicated. 1) Jehovah 2) Holy Spirit or, 3) F&DS.

    1) Jehovah doesn't err, thus (2) nor world His Holy Spirit err, so it must be (3) imperfect humans.

    Of course, Jehovah knows he is dealing with imperfect humans, so is He just a bad communicator? (Was he just as bad with the Bible writers?) Since Jehovah has always had a "channel of communication" that he has used, what scriptural examples are there of this kind of poor communication and never-ending series of mistakes that require correction (including numerous "flip-flips" back and forth) with his chosen channel?

    OR, is it possible that this is substancial evidence that there is NO special relationship with Jehovah & the F&DS, but instead they are making a false claim?

    Which scenario seems more reasonable? Would Jehovah leave it so indecisive of who is His real channel that he is using?


  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. has been an indigenous commercialized fraud from the very beginning, so how can something so awash in corruption turn into something truthful ?

    I haven't seen any truth from this religious publishing house or from the men who run it.

  • bemused

    Also, if you accept new light, don't you also have to accept that there may well be more new light in future, ie accept that some of the current doctrines are probably wrong?

  • gingerbread

    Last year we heard a brother giving a public talk in the KH say - "We must wash our brains clean of the former thought and embrace the correct 'New Light' from Jehovah's faithful and discreet slave."




    Let's review: IT'S A CULT!!!!


  • Phizzy

    Why should other religions fix things if they ain't broke ?

    J.W's seem to think they have proven the doctrines held by others to be false, so other religions should change and be (totally wacky) like them.

    This is typical of their closed-minded view, "We have the truth, so everybody else should believe as we do".

    No, you don't have the "truth" JW's, you have the in-the-moment opinions of the men in New York, and opinions can change in the blink of an eye, as we have seen so many times over the years.

    Truth does not change.

  • galaxie

    Phizzy, ... truth does change ,! Ask any JW !! LOL !

  • prologos

    Yeah, the wt religion is a "fixer-upper" and it shows.

    the trouble is they really never fix it. think of 1914. the more they patch it, the more overlapping laughable patches are applied.

    they should not have erred or lied.

    in the first place.

  • AlphaMan

    The Watchtower religion claims you have to have "the truth" in order to be the true religion and that will lead to your everlasing life.

    JW's do not have "the truth". You cannot change your beliefs as much as the JW's have over the years and have any credibility in claiming to have "the truth".

    Besides how bat-shit crazy some of the recent new light" is like over-lapping generation & 8 GB members now only the F&DS.....the thing that really bothers me is how can the Watchtowe Society claim they preach the "good news of the Kingdom" worldwide, then change major doctrinal beliefs? (the worldwide preaching work claim of the JW's is a joke as we all know) You would have to do a complete worldwide do-over in their preaching in order to tell people about the new light truth. An open look into JW history shows this to be the case over and over again. I've been out since 1995 and the JW religion is very different than what it was back then.

    P.S. I just cannot grasp any logic in how the Watchtower has been telling us all these years that Armaggeedon will happen any minute now.....then for the Watchtower God to suddenly change important doctrinal beliefs just right before the end. Like all this time has gone by and the stupid fools of the Governing Body just now understand that they alone are only the F&DS? This make no sense why an all-intelligent Watchtower God would do this.

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