If you have been out that long why is he so concerned that you write a letter of disassociation? No letter is needed. One of the last verbal instructions I got from a C.O. was if someone wants to leave just let them go and leave them alone. Most likely because the elder will not here TTATT and start thinking a little. But at any case don't listen to him about a letter. Still Totally ADD
He Wants To Help Me
by LouBelle 22 Replies latest jw friends
This guy sounds like he trying to score some brownie points are something, bringing back someone to "da troof" that's been out so long. Don't trust him.
Help? Just what does that imply? That you are weak. That he is strong.
"He wants to sit down and go over my concerns " ____Lou Belle
What you need to do ?
" Use questions in a way that will achieve a desired result. Your aim may be to get an oral response; it may be to stimulate a mental response. What you ask and how you ask may have a direct bearing on your success in the use of questions. "_____Theocratic Ministry School Book page 236
He ain't concerned. Not one bit.
Like Shirley said. He trynna score brownie points
He knows that questions allows him to be in the drivers seat
Turn the tables on 'em
I'd like to give a special shout out to the Watch Tower Society in thier new website
I can pull thier mess up away from home
and show folks jus how ridiculous this religion is
Thanks BOYZ
Nobody does it better _____Carly Simon
Still Totally ADD, someone wrote a letter of disassociation. After his JW mother died, my elder Dad encouraged him to come back to JW and he did come back to JW. (Just FYI)
If you don't believe in God why try to have a religious discussion with him. When I see people I haven't seen in a while I care about how they are doing and what is new in their life--not get into a discussion about religion or politics. Even if you open his eyes he probably has too much invested to just walk away from it even if you prove every point to him.
I guess if I were to talk to someone and try to get them to think I would start with Paul's comments about the resurrection. Paul agreed that if the dead were not to be raised up then Christians would be the most pitiable and foolish of people. So much better to really enjoy the life we have. Then ask him if he would agree that if the Watchtower was not preaching the truth then Jehovah's Witnesses are to be the most pitiable and foolish people out there. Sacrificing everything to get man-made, meaningless titles. Shunning their own children. Forgoing education and anything that would make their lives more meaningful. Perhaps not even getting married or having children because they wanted to serve the Watchtower more fully.
Then I would say "If they don't have the truth..." but of course he believes they do have the truth. Just like the billions of other people with different religious beliefs and who might react the same way when you tell them they don't have the truth. What is the difference? Only that he believes he is right. Hypothetical questions sometimes help people to think about things in ways they would never otherwise. But I don't expect him ever think outside the box...Then I would change the topic and never bring up religion again...but that's just me. -
He wants to sit down and go over my concerns..
...........I`m Your Friend!..
Theres Nothing to Worry About...........................Until your JC Meeting..
........................................... ...OUTLAW
Black Sheep
I'm with Outlaw on this one LouBelle.
If you're here looking for advice on what to discuss or how to handle him, you should not be talking to him at all. If you can't control the conversation, just don't let them start one in the first place.
He is not your friend.
He has nothing of value to offer you that you can't get elsewhere.
If you must talk to a JW, never let them choose the subject. Quickly turn he conversation to a subject you know they are familiar with, but that they will be uncomfortable with, and hammer them on that. Do not answer their questions, they are there to answer yours, tell them that. The more they want to trick you into a change from a particular subject, the more you need to stay on it. Don't express your own opinions, just use questions to make them do the talking and lead them to making conclusions that they didn't want to come to and to indulge in behaviours that they would condemn if a member of another church used them. Use guilt when they try any tricks, dishonesty, double standards, or bullying, and feign being offended that they would try to treat you like a fool etc..
Still Totally ADD
Sorry misunderstood. Still Totally ADD
dog is god
I can't believe he asked you if you'd written a letter of diss. I would have said, "thank you for your concern but it really is none of your business. Have a blessed day!"