May 2014 Kingdom Ministry (KM - 05/2014 PDF)

by WatchTower87 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LostGeneration

    They should just change the title to the "Do More" meeting. Gawd even active JWs hate this meeting with a passion.

  • mynameislame

    Trying to figure out what James 1:19 has to do with social media and having or being a freind.

    19 Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.

    I also feel like they are using some sort of chicanery around the word meditation in this context.

    If you are often late, meditate on the reasons why.

    Although that migh just be my bias coming through.

    Is this one of those things that could be negative but they are trying to put a positive spin on it?

    As of February 1, 2014, the United States branch office began to oversee the territory and congregations in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. What unity among the more than 1.2 million publishers in the United States branch territory!


    Beneficiaries of a government program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) may apply to serve as temporary Bethel family members or temporary volunteers

  • molybdenum

    Who actually writes the kingdom Ministry?

    What motivates someone to write a blanket

    condemnation of people who are not JW's?

    Para 2 page 2...

    Punctuality has become the exception
    during these last days when many peo-
    ple are lovers of themselves and without

    How do they know how punctual (or not) people are.

    Also it depends on the culture.

    In some cultures not being

    punctual is part of the way of life.

    No one thinks of it as being "wrong".

    How do they get to print such comments wihtout any support

    for the statement whatsoever except a loose connection with a scripture

    (2 Tim 3:1-3) which could be used to "support" any negative statement.

    Yet, I can see the heads nodding during this meeting part....

    (Yeah..people in the world are always late and it really terrible isn't

    it. I thank Jehovah I am not like that.......white noise .....ssssssssssssss)

    I wonder how the KM is put together. Anyone have any insight on this?

  • mynameislame

    Good catch molybdenum.

  • baltar447

    So being late means you're selfish, self absorbed, and totally lacking in self control? WTF


    Friggin' watchtarded..


  • WTWizard

    Pious-sneering during vacation? You mean, if someone saves up for a major trip (say, from New York City to New Zealand) with the intent of actually enjoying the trip, they are committing a sin? Confirmed--this is why I claim that they not only want the witlesses to go to all the boasting sessions during such trips, but to be out in field circus. Now, if I wanted to see a country, I would not want to be wasting my time in field circus. Better to enjoy whatever landmarks and features that country has to offer that I cannot see at home.

  • sir82

    Who actually writes the kingdom Ministry?

    What motivates someone to write a blanket

    condemnation of people who are not JW's?

    The KM articles are written by the Service Dept.

    I believe they have a picture of their idol, Heirich Himler, prominently displayed in their office.

    Although it is a bit odd - they usually save their vilest venom for the rank & file JWs. "Worldly" people usually don't even register on their radar.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • blondie

    Does this still work? I get a generic page.

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