Is anyone here following what is happening with the trial in South Africa. What are your thoughts? How are the media handling this? Are you even interested?
Oscar Pistorious
by LouBelle 29 Replies latest jw friends
I am interested, actually.I have family in SA.
I can't understand what happened.He seems really distraught, nearly being sick etc....Crying...
The man had a history of losing his temper however. Who knows??
Even if he shot her in a rage, he could still be sorry. Doesn't absolve him of his actions though.
I've been reading about it. I wonder if he just went into a rage and shot her (and WHY did he have that kind of bullet in his gun?), now he's really getting what he did in a very graphic way. Should have learned to control his temper earlier in life, before he took someone's life.
Is he sick over what he did to her? Is he sick over what he did to himself?
Frazzled UBM
He did it - his story is not credible. He is putting on a good performance though.
Oh this weary teary old f* ked up world is full of men distraught but in denial over their impulsive rage and violence towards women. He can cry and vomit buckets - but it don't mean a blessed thing of relevance about innocence or its absence. I cry every time I cut an onion into pieces - but it don't mean I didn't mean to cut it.
10 out of 10 for histrionics Pistorious but I doubt you'll get an Oscar for it. Pumping 4 bullets into the woman you allegedly love cause you thought she was a burglar? Come on, man, what do you take us for?!
Assuming he felt threatened by an intruder, could he not have called the police? I simply don't buy any of his arguments. He "seems" distraught because he wants to save his neck (in the sense of not spending a long time in prison; I gather SA does not have the death sentence). It is difficult for me personally to empathize with this individual.
Just a little bit of something on SA.
** Crime - I can believe he felt threatend in his own home as South Africa has extremely high cases of extremely violent home break ins/robberies. Enough to make you feel sick to your stomach and lock up your home like a prison. I can honestly say if it was the dead of night in my home, and I saw a window open and heard noises I would shit bricks..... You have to live here to get that we have to constantly be alert, during the day, driving, walking down the street, etc....yeah it truly IS THAT BAD - so in that sense I can believe him - plus he did have death threats.
** I didn't realise our justice system did not have a jury system - odd I know, but we never see trials like this on TV and I just didn't think about it before.
** Remember he does admit to doing it - it's the was it pre-meditated thing they are trying to prove / disprove.
** I have realised trials are boring. Tons of questions, re-asking the same questions, re-asking again just different workding, extreme / minute details of stuff (understandable)
** We are still in the early stages - wonder if they will put him on the stand? Don't know if our country does that kind of thing.
I have been following it, I don't know what to make of Pistorious. It seems too brutal to be a mistake though, the wouldn't even televise the evidence it was so disturbing. If he thought it was a burgalar why did he act with such brutality?
I don't know what to make of him but I do know the public is not getting the full picture
Kate xx
princecharmant - our police are a joke - you can phone the emergancy number and it will ring and ring and ring...if it does get picked up the call will either get dropped, phone put down, or you'll be transferred to about 6 people. Very rarely does our police line work like a charm....just saying.
Witness My Fury
In my mind there is no way he would he would have shot 4 times thru a closed door without confirming who was in the bathroom (a stranger or Reeva).
I think he's an arrogant asshole and a ticking bomb, they had a row, she shut herself in the bathroom or else fled there in fear of her life and he shot her in a rage because she wouldnt comply with his wishes. He probably didnt intend to kill her at any point until he saw red and pulled the trigger, then had immediate regret at what he had done.
He can regret it all he wants, he knew it was her on the other side of the door and killed her and at the moment he pulled the trigger he wanted her dead.
That is my take on it.