TRUTH: Here today and gone tomorrow

by Terry 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    The man who invented the religion known as "JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES," was Joseph Franklin Rutherford.

    He is the same man who spread the message, "Religion is a Snare and a Racket."

    That's right, RELIGION was the poison that caused the rot in the world.

    Were Jehovah's Witnesses a "religion?" Hell no!

    They called themselves the SOCIETY (aka: Watch Tower Bible and Tract SOCIETY.)

    (Old Timers (like me) today, still refer to them that way.)

    Oh-but wait!

    Watch what happens . . .

    Very soon, the Watch Tower's non-religion members found themselves trying to wiggle out of being drafted into the war.

    Very soon, the Watch Tower Society needed to be recognized as Conscientious Objectors, and needed standing before the Courts of the land.

    The Court would not recognize them--guess why?

    They weren't a RELIGION and the exemptions under law were only for RELIGION.

    Ha ha ha ha ha. Shot themselves in the foot!

    So, what did Rutherford do?

    He set his legal expertise on pleading before the Court TO BE RECOGNIZED as a RELIGION!

    Game Change!

    The fight was no longer between the Witnesses and Religion; it was between TRUE Relgion and FALSE Religion.

    A simple grammatical shift solved the problem. (It also made Rutherford's "Religion is a snare and a Racket" very embarrassing!

    Becoming a religion also meant Rutherford's financial dealings could be cloaked in secrecy and exempt from TAXES. Why?

    Religion is tax exempt and no public accounting and disclosure is required.

    Where in all of this was the TRUTH?

    Why create a slogan and use it taunt people and label them as defective and false(Religion is a snare and a racket) only to suddenly change

    and BECOME the same as they are?

    The reason is simple: there is no core of integrity to the leaders of the Watch Tower religion.

    INTEGRITY MEANS: what you say, what you think and what you do are all the same without dissonance.

    Men like Rutherford aren't like that. They have no genuine integrity. They move about and maneuver according to sudden whim.

    Arbitrary, capricious and wilfull people are blown about by whatever is happening "now." They are rootless and easily shifted in opinion and action.

    TRUTH is more solid than that.

    I've detailed this and a great many other deceitful shifts in my book, "I Wept by the Rivers of Babylon" available on or

  • KateWild

    Well done for writing your book and getting it published. I hope you sell many copies. Kate xx

  • Terry

    Thank you, Kate! I envisioned each "apostate" anonymously mailing a copy to a close friend or relative "still in." But, I know I'm dreaming :)

    Watch this:

    We begin here with this assertion about what was said and taught in the past:

    *** jv chap. 7 pp. 84-85 Advertise the King and the Kingdom! (1919-1941) ***
    On Saturday, September 18, following his morning discourse, Brother Rutherford released the tan-colored book Enemies. It denounced false religion as “a great enemy, always working injury to mankind.” False religionists were identified as “agents of the Devil, whether they are aware of that fact or not.”

    Compare the above to this statement below:

    *** yb75 p. 161 Part 2—United States of America ***
    “This was the time when we did not designate ‘true religion’ and ‘false religion’; all religion in totality was bad. The true we referred to as ‘worship,’ while the false was ‘religion.’”

    The process is demonstrated here:

    *** w50 10/15 p. 394 par. 14 Further Enrichment of Understanding ***
    On page 75 of the booklet Defending and Legally Establishing the Good News we read one of the conclusions arrived at concerning the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society after many years of fighting in the courts: “It is submitted that the Watch Tower Society and Jehovah’s witnesses are a legal religious organization and that their representatives engaged in preaching the gospel are legally recognized as ministers of religion, which entitles them to all privileges accorded to all religious organizations and ministers.”

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Arbitrary, capricious and wilfull people are blown about by whatever is happening "now." They are rootless and easily shifted in opinion and action.

    Interesting that you should say that. It called to mind the words of Ephesians 4:14:

    in order that we should no longer be babes, tossed about as by waves and carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching by means of the trickery of men, by means of cunning in contriving error.

    Isn't that an accurate reflection of how the organization's teachings are always changing and all the JWs just allow themselves to be carried here and there by every wind of teaching the organization comes up with?

  • Terry

    I love the phrase: hither and thither!

    It could be an animated series with two zany characters who can't make up their mind about New Light and Old light:)

  • steve2

    You're spot on Terry. JWs owe way more to Rutherford than Russell. For all that I dispise about the Judge, he revivied a flailing organization and kick-arsed it into a global success story in terms of growth and "entering" the modern consciousness - albeit very much on the fringe of "society".

    By comtrast, his more empathic and principled opponents sank with barely a trace. Moyle who??? Rutherford is devastating proof - as if any were needed! - that the world of religion generously rewards aggressive self-delusion and self-promotion over ethics and fellow-feeling.

  • Terry

    Publicity and branding, blood and circus!

  • SAHS

    “Terry”: “I envisioned each "apostate" anonymously mailing a copy to a close friend or relative "still in." But, I know I'm dreaming”

    I don’t think it’s dreaming at all. I for one will definitely buy a copy of your book and am willing to do just that – I will buy another copy of it and make sure that my family receives it one way or another (when the time is right, as I am still being held captive in that damn tower of ignorance). I’m sure there are many folks on here who would be willing to do that also. I’m positive that you’ll find your above idea to be much more than just “dreaming.”

    Take care, and, as always, best of luck. (Notice I said “luck,” not “fortune.” I refuse to play the WT’s silly word games.)

  • SAHS

    “steve2”: “JWs owe way more to Rutherford than Russell.”

    Russell turned his Second Adventist numerological apocalyptic eschatology ideas into a cult following. Rutherford turned the cult into an organized corporate religion. Knorr just helped refine it all into something palatable enough not to be laughed and kicked out of existence. The other guys are just trying to keep it afloat (at least long enough to be able to cash in).

  • Terry

    I remember the "no such thing as Luck" on the one hand and the "god of Good Luck" on the other. It doesn't make me nostalgic for the Kingdom Hall.

    “Terry” : “I envisioned each "apostate" anonymously mailing a copy to a close friend or relative "still in." But, I know I'm dreaming”

    I don’t think it’s dreaming at all. I for one will definitely buy a copy of your book and am willing to do just that – I will buy another copy of it and make sure that my family receives it one way or another (when the time is right, as I am still being held captive in that damn tower of ignorance). I’m sure there are many folks on here who would be willing to do that also. I’m positive that you’ll find your above idea to be much more than just “dreaming.

    That would be a wonderful (for me) test case as to the effectiveness of counter-witnessing. Love to know what the results will be. Thanks.

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