Thanks Outlaw. I hope you are ok my good fellow.
Are You Moving Ahead With Jehovahs Organization? Study WT May 2014
by KateWild 53 Replies latest watchtower bible
Simplified Edition: and the winner is...Organization- 22 Jesus- 3
And that alone should be a big red flag that the Watchtower tries to brainwash people into worshipping the Organization. Jesus is rarely mentioned by JW's anymore.
In order for the Watchtower to be guilty of a strawman, they'd have to misrepresent someone else's argument. How did they do that?
There is an Awake! article - Winning the Fight Against Depression, 22 October, 1987 - that makes reference to the excellent book by David D Burns MD, Feeling Good - The New Mood Therapy, in which he outlines 10 distorted thinking patterns. On page 13 the article lists six of his original ten. Conspicuous by its absense is the distorted thinking pattern of using "should" statements - telling ourselves what we "should," "must," or "ought" to be doing. When you look at that paragraph KateWild quoted, just that one paragraph, see how many times the word "should" and "must" turn up.
Watchtower literature is chock full of "should" and "must" statements - no wonder they left it out of the Awake! article. It is negative thinking, and the Society's literature is replete with it.
Burns calls it mental musterbation. LOL.
Jmorgan - ok. What would you call it?
I do have a reason for using straw man btw.
I would say that in many of the instances of what you called a strawman, they are just assuming what they have yet to prove. So I would call that "begging the question," if I had to give it a label. But when we're talking about articles that are really meant for internal use, they're not going to continuously go back over teachings and doctrines as if their audience is unfamiliar or unaccepting of the idea being assumed. Nor would I expect them to. It's just that we (most of us on this forum) would find fault would some of those conclusions that the Watchtower just assumes because we are no longer willing to accept the arguments and basis for teachings that we once did.
By the time they get to reading the publication it may well be out of date or modified. The on line publications are often altered just after the published paper copies are distributed.
They will never catch up or even hope to understand the convoluted logic of the organisation who have the problem of remembering the old lies so they can keep their story straight whilst feeding new lies to their flock.
I`m pretty damn sure those two brothers who did that sign language video for deaf people are MOVING A HEAD with jehovahs orgasm,sorry ,organization
Am I aware of recent changes in the way we understand certain scriptures?
When they say "we" they really mean: YOU
The earthly part of God’s organization is moving ahead in many ways.
It helps us understand Bible truth more and more clearly.
....................Loyal WBT$ JW Cattle & WBT$ New Light..
Moo Light.....
The earthly part of God's organization is moo-ving ahead with moo light. Haha....