Sad situation.
Where Do You Think That Plane Is?
by minimus 175 Replies latest jw friends
AlphaMan (12 days ago) The fact that this flight was diverted from the much shallower Gulf of Thailand in the opposite direction to the much deeper Indian Ocean makes it a possiblity that someone wanted this jet to go down in deep water and not be found
AlphaMan (9 days ago)....I still think the plane was put down in a very deep part of the southern Indian ocean in order to not be found. Someone wanted this plane and all people & things onboard to not make it to Bejing China.
This was no fire, zombie plane, crazy pilot, etc. explaination. This was a deliberate act by someone with the resources to pull it off.
Everything is consistent with a fire.
still a mystery
Interesting article, and the most viable theory on this thread. The possibility of an 'incendiary device' is also not that crazy. Remember, we do not know who was on that plane, or what cargo it may have been carrying. I have to wonder if this was a criminal act. We shall never know the real truth, though, just as we do not know the truth about the Swissair crash of '98.
The TPB's report on the Swissair crash is questionable. Doubts are raised by the Head Criminal Investigator for the RCMP, Tom Juby, who was assigned to this case. He was then told, a year and a half later, to back off. The TSB was to handle it, and the TSB only handles accidents. The criminal investigation was halted, and no reason given.
Joby was directed to stop his investigation and 'revise' his official notes, and subsequently forced into retirement. (And yes, he has proof in the form of a signed memo from his superiors.) In 2011, he decided to go public, and here is the url for the documentary done by the Fifth Estate. If you are not into watching the whole program, I suggest you start at minute 28.
"At 10:31 p.m. on Sept. 2, 1998, Nova Scotians felt their homes shake as Swissair flight 111 slammed into the waters off Peggy's Cove, killing all on board. There were 229 passengers and crew, including a Saudi Prince and a relative of the late Shah of Iran. In the cargo hold, a half a billion dollars worth of gold, diamonds and cash.
Early into the crash investigation, the Transportation Safety Board (TSB) of Canada made a preliminary finding that the tragedy was the result of an accident. The TSB would ultimately point to a fire in the cockpit, likely sparked by an electrical fault. But there remained many unanswered questions and mysteries.
Years later, the crash remains one of Canada's greatest tragedies. Now new disturbing information from one of the crash investigators raises chilling questions about the official cause of the disaster.
On Friday, Sept. 16, at 9 p.m. (9:30 NT), the fifth estate investigates the crash of Flight 111 and reveals stunning allegations, meticulously documented by former RCMP officer -- Tom Juby -- the veteran crime scene investigator who suspects it might have been murder."Note that people felt their HOMES SHAKE --- from a plane crashing into the ocean. WTF? I remember this from the 5 o'clock news hour, and thought it was strange at the time ...
Jehovah, Jesus, and the GB hijacked the plane and got out of dodge so they won't have to fulfill false promises to JW's about the alleged " paradise ". It's an easy out
In one of my first posts on this subject I indicated that satellite data would play a vital role. I find it interesting that, even after the data suggests it crashed into the Indian Ocean, a retired U.S. general believes it landed in Pakistan. So if they don't find the plane it will likely turn into an Amelia Earhart story or fodder for a terrorist movie - or two. Based on the latest information, I would agree with Cofty (dammit Cofty, be wrong once!!!).
A lot of technological and procedural changes with airline flights/planes will come out of this event, regardless of the findings as to the cause.
The plane first moved off-course right between Malaysia & Viet Nam air spaces.
The transponds were turned off.
The plane changed altitude and course more than once.
No one on board said a word about being in distress.
That plane ended up in the complete opposite direction it was heading into one of the most remote and deepest parts of the Indian ocean it could possibly end up in.
All these things do not add up to chance or accident.
The lack of an emergency distress is the primary thing that bothers me, but experts have indicated that is well within reason if they experienced a fire that overwhelmed them and the equipment. Like you I have some lingering thoughts, but the matter in total -if it occurred as they are now saying - seems to support an unintentional event.