Israel National News reports a most amazing story about JWs

by AndersonsInfo 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    To play the devil's advocate (or to ask an obvious question, depending upon your perspective), how is this deceptive if the name they used means Watchtower?

    The lease was for "daily afternoon activities". What is that? Field service meeting? They could have just used someone's home.

  • wasblind

    " How is this deceptive if the name they used means Watchtower " ___Rebel8

    You got a point there Rebel8 can't argue that


    But I wonder what happened to makin' " Jehovah's name Known "

    seems like they kept it hush

  • LongHairGal


    Thanks for reporting this story. They are totally sickening in their lies and misrepresentation. Anything to get their foot in somebody's door.

    The fact that they wont even admit WHO they are is very telling!!!

  • EdenOne

    I don't get this:

    What they did was illegal? Tactics' ethics aside, how come they don't benefit from the protection of the law? Why should anyone rejoice with that?


  • confusedandalone

    Eden it is another country that is known for its dislike of anything that is not Jewish. SO this really should come as no surprise. Every country does not employ Western thinking to freedoms that they bestow upon residents. In the US it is ok to form a hate group as long as you do not break any laws. Some countries just do not allow the formation of such groups without having to deal with intense pressure or being outright squashed. It is a diff in culture

  • mynameislame

    also asked the court to order Netanya to pay NIS 108,000 in mental anguish and legal expenses

    Mental anguish, Seriously? They should be paying the courts for the help they are giving to keep JWs under the delusion that they are being persecuted.


    Mexico,'s just par for the course. They used the Hebrew word for watchtower, but they misrepresented themselves. They basically lied about who they were. Why would they even do something like that? Why rent a space? Just meet in private homes. Doesn't the GB know that you can be killed for being a Christian? I bet you won't find the GB traveling there to give a talk or preach.


  • Giordano

    That's true Confused but isn't Israel a part of the UN and subscribes to it's agreements. Doesn't it welcome investments from individuals and companies that in all probability are to a high degree Christian centric? Don't they expect that nations which have a Christian tradition will stand firm for Israel if she is attacked.

    Have they not progressed since Jesus' day when it comes to toleration? Did they learn nothing about the importance of human rights and the need for protection for the weak from the Nazi's?

    Shortly after signing the rental agreement , the school authorities discovered that the group was, in reality, the notorious missionary sect of "Jehovah's Witnesses"

    Say What? JW's living in a community go about their business quietly and non violently. They don't riot or stone people. And while I don't care a wit about the JW religion I do understand that they are acting according to their beliefs. And apart from shunning their own they are as harmless as JC and boys were some 2000 years ago. If notorious means you screwed up God's name and your knocking on a Jewish person's door with bible in hand then Israel hasn't changed since Jesus day.

    If they want to call a bunch of simpletons notorious perhaps they should revisit the old testament to see what notorious actually means.

  • Vidiot

    EdenOne - 'What they did was illegal?"

    If I had to guess, I'd say the original lease agreement had some kind of "full disclosure of activities" clause, details of which I suspect the WT reps who'd signed the lease were not fully forthcoming about.

    Thusly, the judge upheld the owner's right to evict.

  • Vidiot

    giordano - "JWs living in a community go about their business quietly and non violently."

    By and large, yeah.

    But JWs who occupy leadership positions (or aren't neccessarily "living in a community") can still be sneaky and underhanded whilst being quiet and non-violent.

    In fact, being quiet and non-violent kinda helps.

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