Do the JW's still teach that those resurrected will not marry and be without a sex? (Eunich)
Can't help but think that it is the same with those hit with radiation during a bombing.
Is this still their view about "Those resurrected"?
by Snoozy 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes that's the same teaching. Makes no sense. Dumb. According to JWs the angels DID want sex and came to earth to get it. So there goes that plan.
They don't talk about it anymore..
Jesus never taught an earthly resurrection. When he said that he was talking about people going to heaven. It was a new hope.
....but the married ones will remain married, right?
I remember the no marriage teaching, but not about being genderless. I guess since my mom was a convert it was a larger learning curve for us as well. I remember my mom doing things even after she was baptised and people gasping "you can't do THAT!". Buying raffle tickets at a farmers market was one that stood out. THE HORROR! Lol. God, the more I read here the less I realise I knew about being a Witness. I was always taught to accept everything without question. So it didn't matter to me what we believed because I had to accept it anyway. So messed up.
Poor women who awaits for their dream brother after the armageddon. These AAA (available after armageddon) would be very dissapointed to find out that they could not be intimiate with their dream man nor having children.
With all the old ones today (my age), now they realize they may
die in this system before the big one come. Eunichs doesn't sound
to inviting.
wt even taught that ladies beyong menopause would not have ovulation restored as part of re-generation.
of course think about it . you could not have intercourse without the pill or that sensation-killing barrier forever without really 'sardining' the earth.