They don't even see their arrogance! In my experience, ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand. What a pathetic excuse for a human being, to say nothing of what a poor excuse for a "Christian"
My Window Cleaner
by happy@last 41 Replies latest jw experiences
pay him , but tell him to come over to your place when you are in and then give it to him with both barrels, also tell him you will be informing the entire neighbourhood know about his pathetic behavour, he might think twice.
Well I am a window cleaner as I said. And if I did that to any of my 'normal' customers I would expect them to sack me and i wouldn't expect to get paid. Nobody in business would treat someone who owes them money like that. Don't pay. Think of it as a life lesson for him.
They think everyone plays by their rules. Don't.
Black Sheep
Any JW who works for me, talks to me. They don't have a choice.
How can someone with a conscience shun a person face to face and then the very next day go to their house and ask for money?
This is the kind of filthy attitude that filters down from the paedophile protecting Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses(R). It's a case of '''f' you, just give us your money.''
Get rid of the pig. 'Worldly(tm)' window cleaners will do a more fun job.
I like Problemaddict's solution. Just remember that JWs really do have mental and emotional issues. He also suffers from a sense of entitlement. It is a privilige for YOU to know HIM. He needs to be humbled. If you hired him to wash the windows then pay him. Then tell him that it is his last job because of the way he treated you.
Who knows he could be really sorry, and it may create an opportunity to awaken him. If he is continues to be a jerk, too bad. Tell him that "true christians" will suffer in this world. Losing work is a price that he must pay for shunning you. Tell him to write the Governing Body. They will probably cut him a check so he can pay his bills.
Write on all the banknotes, then pay him with them.
Take his money to the Kingdom Hall on meeting night go up to him, smile, loudly call him by name and ask him how he is and say "Here's your window cleaning money! By the way I won't be needing you to clean my windows anymore. Have a nice meeting! Byeee!"
What am I missing? You admitted you haven't seen him in years. If I saw a customer I hadn't seen in years I probably wouldn't remember them either. Some of you look for reasons to get butthurt.
cult classic
"Tell him he can come and collect his pay in person."
Love this^^^^
What nerve!