An experience at Bethel

by joe134cd 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • joe134cd

    I was just thinking of something I observed on a visit to bethel some years back, that at the time struck me as odd, but now that I look back on it, it might be revealing about their financial situation. Please feel free to agree/disagree with me and also bear in mind this is some years back so my memory may be sketchey.

    I remember walking into the front entrance of the bethel to do a tour. I observed a sister at the front desk busy removing the stamps off envelopes and putting them into plastic bags. I enquired as to why she was doing this and was told that they received mail from all over the world and that they on sold the stamps to a stamp collector. I thought this was weird at the time because why would you want to muck around removing stamps for something that might of only returned a few dollars. Although at the time I passed it off, but now knowing what I know I wonder if this was an insignificant sign of conserving money.

  • paulmolark
    They are just stingy. I cleaned the locker ions in 3 floors when I was there. I had to collect the small pieces of soap left in the shower, put them in a bucket of hot water and mash them together to make a bigger bar to be used later.
  • blondie

    I wonder if she was using techniques to remove stamps that would keep them salable. I think it is more like she saving stamps that were not canceled.........

    Once a postage stamp has been used, it is a federal crime to:

    1. Remove, attempt to remove, or assist to remove cancellation marks from postage.
    2. Reuse a stamp whether cancelled or not.

    If you have questions concerning the reuse of postage, please contact your local Postal Inspector.

    Title 18, U.S. Code, Sections 471 and 1720

    18 U.S. Code § 1720 - Canceled stamps and envelopes

    Whoever uses or attempts to use in payment of postage, any canceled postage stamp, whether the same has been used or not, or removes, attempts to remove, or assists in removing, the canceling or defacing marks from any postage stamp, or the superscription from any stamped envelope, or postal card, that has once been used in payment of postage, with the intent to use the same for a like purpose, or to sell or offer to sell the same, or knowingly possesses any such postage stamp, stamped envelope, or postal card, with intent to use the same or knowingly sells or offers to sell any such postage stamp, stamped envelope, or postal card, or uses or attempts to use the same in payment of postage; or
    Whoever unlawfully and willfully removes from any mail matter any stamp attached thereto in payment of postage; or
    Whoever knowingly uses in payment of postage, any postage stamp, postal card, or stamped envelope, issued in pursuance of law, which has already been used for a like purpose—
    Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; but if he is a person employed in the Postal Service, he shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
  • brandnew
    I hope she was keeping the money she made doing that......just sayin.
  • Finkelstein

    There has always been an outward appearance that the organization is poor, that the leaders are poor and theretofore righteous among the other religions that are materialistic, this indicates pure righteousness separate from humanly desires acquired from materialist possessions.

    It may be true that the top leaders of this organization live in conservative means in comparison to other religious leaders but the secret fact is in most modernized countries where there is a branch such the US, Canada, England these branches have a huge amount sitting in bank accounts and other investments.

    Notice that the WTS never told the rest of the organization that it sold off a majority of its real estate holdings in Brooklyn New Your to a tune of billion US dollars or that its sold off at least 10 other branches around the world.

    Nope the WTS is poor righteously poor ......... always

  • whathehadas
    I had to collect the small pieces of soap left in the shower, put them in a bucket of hot water and mash them together to make a bigger bar to be used later.

    WTF? That's some nasty sh#t! Why would anyone want to reuse soap that washed someone else arse and privates?

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    When I used to order "Truth" books in different languages (as a collection) I received a refund for those languages which were out of stock. The refund was paid in postage stamps.

  • berrygerry

    It happened in Calgary, Simon.

    Dude was obtaining and reselling unfranked stamps. Was convicted. Sentenced with provisions.

  • paulmolark

    In the office complex there are only communal showers. 20 plus shower heads. We replaced the soap as needed but every Friday I'll never forget Carlos Reyes told me to collect all the soaps in the wall dishes. Get a bucket of hot water and mash them together.

    If if you think that is bad I am sure a lot of people could go on for daaaaays about the Tomfoolery

  • berrygerry

    There has always been an outward appearance that the organization is poor,


    If one carefully listens to Lett's words, he says that our PROJECTED outflow ...

    That could mean many different interpretations.

    They could be increasing their DESIRED expenditures by any percentage, even double than in previous years.

    Thus, if they usually receive a certain amount each year, they would be short for their DESIRED expenditures.

    Doesn't mean squat.

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