Not willing to cooperate

by happy@last 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • happy@last

    Just thought I would let you know there appears to still be no change when it comes to assisting the police here in the UK

    I am in the process of pressing charges against my abuser who was and is again a JW. During my interviews with the police I did not mention JWs as it was not relevant to the case, however during one if his interviews he stated that he had been 'punished' by the JWs by being disfellowshipped, and now he was a JW again he had 'paid his dues'!

    It appears the police picked up on this and went to the JW elders concerned and the police were told they could not help. The police have noted this in the case. I pointed out to the police I am shunned by these people and they said I am better off that way. As it happens they do not need any other witness statements (police don't work on the 2 witness rule!), but I found it interesting that even in the last few weeks the elders are being advised not to cooperate with police enquiries.

  • Fernando

    He may have paid his dues to the "ruling religious clergy class", but now he can pay his dues to the victim, society and Caesar.

    Best wishes.

    What are your thoughts about going the Candace Conti route?

  • punkofnice

    he stated that he had been 'punished' by the JWs by being disfellowshipped, and now he was a JW again he had 'paid his dues'!

    I am sorry for so sorry.

    If he feels that this is true 'justice' it just highlights another flaw in watchtower(R) law.

    If these disgusting individuals think that they've 'paid their dues' because the watchtower(R) slapped them on the wrists and has protected them what hope is there that this epademic of filth will be stopped? The watchtower(R) needs exposing for the harbouring of sexual predators.

    I pointed out to the police I am shunned by these people and they said I am better off that way.

    I am not a fan of the police but kudos to them here.....this is probably very true.

    I hope you get real justice and find some peace in life.

    May the Governing Body of Jehovah's witnesses(R) face the full force of justice by being put on trial for crimes against humanity along with their cronies and may they face the highest penalties.

  • sarahsmile

    Elders are trained with two arts manipulating and deception.

  • happy@last

    Fernando - going the Candace Conti route does not really apply to me, the abuser was never an appointed person and the 1 elder that warned my mother from getting involved with him is long dead. I could possibly put together a case against the JWs for lack of protection but do not think it would be as solid as others. I seek justice against my abuser and am confident I wil get it, I don't ever see getting justice for all the wrongs WTBTS have done as much as I would like it.

  • KateWild

    The elders will not cooperate with the police because they have been tought it will bring reproach on Jehovahs name. You are strong to go to the police and get justice and hopefully your abuser is suffering by being under investigation.

    It doesn't matter if he has been "punished" by the elders, he commited a crime and needs to be charged and found guilty in a court of law. I hope this happens and you get justice.

    Kate xx

  • ABibleStudent

    I'm sorry that you were abused happy@last. I hope that the legal system is successful with prosecuting your abuser, so that other people are not abused by him. Abusers usually are incapable of controlling themselves and will abuser more than one person.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,



    It appears the police picked up on this and went to the JW elders concerned and the police were told they could not help.



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  • Vidiot

    You know, after I read the WT lawyer's statement that Candace Conti had, in fact, affected policy changes following the verdict, there was a part of me that thought the WTS might actually change the way they do things a little bit for the better - kicking and screaming, to be sure, but still, eventually, right?

    I suppose they did, in the sense that they've chosen defiance, digging in their heels, and reinforcing their stance on the mattter.

  • humbled

    I am glad you are bringing this man to account for hurting you. You have to be a strong person to do this. It uncovers the dark thinking of the JWs that they don't understand how wrong their actions are to hide their crimes from the public.


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