I, too, think that counting time is not scriptural. That's not the issue, here, though. We're not talking about counting time versus not counting time; all those we're talking about are counting time. The issue is being visible vs being invisible and the reason such ones are either visible or invisible. The invisible ones I know about were not being invisible for the right reason; their being invisible was not because they were off working hard and wanted to make sure that they weren't practicing their righteousness in front of men. No, it was the opposite; they were looking for the easy way out, and they DID WANT TO PRACTICE THEIR RIGHTEOUSNESS IN FRONT OF MEN in that they wanted the titles of regular pioneer, elder, etc.
So, please understand my point. Jesus' words indicate that righteous people do work hard; they practice righteousness. They do good. However, they don't do it in such a way as to try to get credit. These people that the opening post referred to are doing the exact reverse of that. They're looking for the easy way out; they don't want the burden of having to work with groups, taking the lead, driving, putting up with all kinds of personalities, etc. However, they want the glory; they show up when the CO comes around, and they want all the accolades that go along with being regular pioneers, elders, etc.
So they're guilty of practicing their righteousness in front of men even though they're absent most of the time, whereas some genuine hard-working publisher who is visible most of the time for the right reasons and really cares and has his heart in it is not guilty of practicing his righteousness in front of men. It's more about attitude & motive.